So cringe

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So, me and Becca were reminiscing the old days, when we remembered a short story we wrote for our English class. It had to be 500 words, but because we write so much Becca wrote part 1 and I part 2. We decided to share our story with you. Try to count how many references we made! Enjoy.
And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Rebecca A murder in time and space pt. 1

"Where to now?" My faithful companion Lestrade asked. Looking down I gave him a warm smile and said- "Where do you want to go?" His little eyes lit up. I know that look. It's adventure time! Bending down I scooped up my prickly friend and placed him on my shoulder where he nuzzled into my scarf.
"To the SIDRAT?" I questioned.
"To the SIDRAT!" he squeaked.

Walking around the busy streets of London with a hedgehog and your shoulder gets you some weird stares, but me and Lestrade are used to it. I can see people's point, I mean who walks around talking to a hedgehog anyway? Apart from me? No one.

Once we got to the SIDRAT, which happens to be great at disguise as it's a port-a potty, we step inside closing the green door. "You know who we have not seen in a long time?" Lestrade inquired "Churchill." he answered.

"That's settled then. We're off to World War Two my friend."
The hedgehog squealed in delight. After punching in our destination we were off. Traveling through time and space. "I hope there will be a murder for us Moriartea, we haven't had one in at least a day. We solved all the ones from the Middle Ages and Roman times. I'm so bored!" The creature whined.

"Hush your whining, it's not in your division." I retorted. "Oh look where here!"

The plastic door pinged open and we stepped out into the cool night sky. A siren was wailing in the distance. The bombs were going to drop soon. "Best get to Churchill Moriartea, don't wanna get hit by the Germans now do we?" I just smiled and placed him on the floor.

As we trotted along we saw an old friend. "Natasha Barton!" Me and Lestrade shouted in unison. The ginger girl turned and a huge smile plastered on her face. She ran up and hugged me. "On our way to see Churchill, you coming with?" I offered my hand and she gladly took it.

We rushed to the secret base and ran inside. Up the stairs and into the room you would normally find our friend Churchill. The board room. Inside we found this weird flesh coloured material. "What is that?" Lestrade and Nat shrieked. Upon closer inspection it was Churchill but not as he normally was. His insides had been removed and he was hollowed out. "Looks like our dear friend has become nothing but a suit of skin."

"What? For serious?" Nat questioned.

"Afraid so, but at least now we can do something good. Let's go find ourself who ever did this!" The hedgehog piped up. "Murder whoo!"

"I'll be over here." Nat said which was unusual because when we solved crimes she never left my side. But I just brushed it off. After hours of searching through empty streets of ww2 Britain, we found plenty of clues that led to us finding the space ship of one of the alien tribes which continuously try to take over the world.

After tracking down the leader and sending his space ship with him and his followers back to their planet in a different Galaxy we met Nat in the SIDRAT. "Back to the 21st century!" I stated. "No." Nat said and altered the settings. "What?"

Molly pt. 2

"How do you know how to fly the SIDRAT?" Lestrade questioned, stepping cautiously towards Natasha. She remained silent, and continued to push buttons and pull levers, swiftly moving round the console. Moriatea and Lestrade shared a concerned glanced. The SIDRAT began to shake, throwing the detective and the hedgehog side to side while Natasha stood her ground with a straight face. One the shaking had stopped Natasha left, leaving the two wondering. "Where are we?" Lestrade squeaked. Moriatea shrugged and placed the hedgehog on his shoulder. Lestrade curled up into the blue scarf, shivering with fear.

Moriatea stepped out, finding himself on an alien spaceship. Around them were multiple control panels, each being operated by an ugly green monster. "Slitheen..." Lestrade whispered.

"And Krillitane." Moriatea added as a bat-like creature entered the room, standing in front of them.

"Moriatea, so kind of you to join us." The krillitane said, folding it's thin wings behind its back.

"Thank you for having me!" He replied gleefully. His grin was soon replaced by a stern expression. "What have you done to Natasha?" The Krillitane cocked its head to one side.

"Who? Ah, you mean this girl!" It exclaimed, taking a step back before transforming to look exactly like Natasha. Moriatea and Lestrade gasped in unison.

"Where is she?" Moriatea yelled, getting into a running stance.

"Safe. I made sure the Slitheen didn't skin her like they did to your fat friend." The krillitane smirked. "Although, now you're here, I suppose we don't have any further use for her." Moriatea growled, then took off running down one of the halls. "After them!" Luckily, they had been in a Slitheen ship like this before, so the two had a pretty good idea about where Natasha was.

After a while of running through endless corridors and avoiding the grasp of the Slitheen, they finally reached the holding cells.

"Natasha!" Lestrade called out into the echoing room.

"Over here!" A faint echo could be heard from the other end of the room. "Lestrade, are you there?" She called as the two made their way to the cell.

"Yep!" Lestrade squealed when he saw Natasha poking her head through the bars.

"Oh it's so good to see you again!" She sighed, smiling at them.

"You too Nat." Moriatea replied whilst picking the lock. The door popped open and Natasha pulled them into a warm hug. "Woah, miss me?" He asked cockily. Nat chuckled, playfully hitting him on the arm and placing Lestrade onto her own shoulder. "Cmon, let's get out of here." Moriatea grinned, grabbing Natasha's hand. Luckily, no one was paying attention when the three slipped quietly back into the SIDRAT, leaving without anyone knowing.

"Now what?" Natasha asked, skipping around the console.

"Now, we go save Winston Churchill." Lestrade replied, rubbing his face against her soft red hair.

Entering the secret bunkers board room, the trio managed to stop the Slitheen from killing Churchill, saving all of Britain. After chatting with the Prime Minister for a few hours and downing several cups of tea, it was time for them to leave. Waving goodbye, Natasha entered the SIDRAT and leaned against the railings.

"Where would you like to go now?" Moriatea asked, setting Lestrade down onto the console. Nat thought for a few moments before replying-


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