Birnamwood hath come to wattpad

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Hello humans tis your friendly neighbourhood psycho becca. By the pricking of my thumbs the next chapter this way comes. Mol just likes to take her time cuz no man born of woman can beat her writing. Im sure she's perfecting the ideas in her head right now. Hear that? It's the sound of creativity cuz our minds are full of scorpions dear humans. Anyway had a good week? Yes? No? Let me know! Did you know that the thane of Fife had a wife? Do you know where she is now?
Also... Who's excited for Sherlock series 4?!?!? I am!!!!! Did ya see the trailer? If ya haven't u need to! OMG Mrs Hudson and just OMG and the serpent that looks like the innocent flower.
Laters humans, becca out.
Ps let me know if anyone got the references. ;)
PPS sorry for the randomness of this weird chapter
*art work by von Jawlensky

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