Oh no not I, I will survive

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(Becca here, ^ look it I figured out how to put on a picture. LOOK HOW CUTE!)

Hulks POV:
UUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HULK SMASH *intense smashing of random objects and a god*
(Sorry felt like I had to put that in :P)
Thor's POV:
Foul beast! How dare you challenge the prince of Asgard! I attempted to smite him with Mjölnir, but Banner just used his humongous green hands to hit me away like one would a fly. Raising my head I felt something warm travel down my lip. Blood. Swiping it away with the back of my hand, I heard the mighty roar of the transformed Doctor. In not too long, the mighty beast will be upon me.

Getting up I held my hand out awaiting the arrival of my trusty hammer. The roar of the beast got louder, indicating he was closer. Where is she? I closed my eyes and strained my hand out, concentrating on calling Mjölnir. Banner was almost upon me. At that moment, thank Odin, mjölnir flew into my out stretched palm. I opened my eyes to find the monster mere millimetres from me. So I acted upon instinct and hit him upwards and away from me. We brawled for a while longer, until a metal bird appeared at the window. It began to fire at Banner, but they just ricocheted off his thick skin. This only seemed to anger him further, as Banner ran forward and jumped through the glass onto bird. He began to rip at the metal, and the bird spiralled in a cloud of smoke out of view.

Steve's POV:
Tony was inside this big rotor, engine thing? Eh I don't know this modern technology is just too complicated. I'll never get my head around it. Anyway he was in this thing trying to get it working so we wouldn't die. He's brave and handsome... and he's mine. He was using the laser cutter on his suit to cut away the broken metal. Once he finished cutting it off he jumped on it and I could see the rotors. I'm pretty sure they are the things he's going to make work again, the thing the red lever slows down?

Out of no where, well some where but you know what I mean, a bunch of men appear. Frozen I just stand there and try to figure out if they are help or some of Loki's mutant things, you know those ones he used the scepter on? However I soon made up my mind when one of them started to shot at me. Yikes. An explosion sounded near me that's when I realised not only did they had guns but they had grenades as well. This should be interesting. One lands right next to me and I almost pooped myself. (Language Steve XD) That lead me to doing what I thought I wouldn't. I jumped over the railing and onto the other side. Which just happened to be full of those men Loki's controlling.

I looked over to see Tony still working on those big rotor things. The words going through my head were 'must protect my love'. 'Get him out of trouble.' So naturally I started to take them on one by one. Using my fighting skills but really what was I thinking a few punches and kicks do not beat guns and grenades. But one got a little too close to my baby so I had to throw him off. That's right don't mess with my boo. Oh wow more are entering. One me, twenty something of those. I won't win. Luckily for me I spotted a huge gun. Oh yes. I stated firing like a maniac, taking them all down. Hope my Tony's okay.

On the head set I hear agent Romanoff say "this is agent Romanoff. I copy." SHES on the chase for Barton, her lover. Hehe. It's quite cute actually. They seem to... I was rudely broken out of my thoughts by a huge burst of light from the rotor. Tony's boosters from his boots had lit up and he started to slowly move the rotor blade.
"Stark we're loosing altitude" I hear furys calm, collected voice in the ear piece. How can he be so calm at a moment like this I thought as I shot another guy.
"Yeah. Noticed." I heard Tony state in his usual cocky voice. The light got brighter and he started to move into a blur of red, white, sliver and yellow.

I never missed a shot or lost concentration once during this gun fight. Until now. Blinking was the wrong thing to do. Loosing the upper hand I fell and slid out the helicarrier. I might as well have been fighting the weeping angles (did that for u mol ;P) at least then I would have known not to blink. Then I wouldn't be hanging for dear life off the side of this stupid ship. Thanks god I managed to grab a cable and didn't plumit to my death. That would have been horrible, instead I'm dangling off the helicarrier like a loose thread.

Thor's POV:
After the fight with the Incredible Hulk, I made my way down to the holding section of the ship. To find the one and only Loki, God of mischief escaping. Up to his usual tricks I see. However I couldn't let him escape. So I charged him and he gets into an attacking position. What's he going to do? To my utter disbelief I went straight through him. How is that even possible?!

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" He asked his voice full of amusement and a smirk planted oh his smug face. The Loki I ran threw evaporated and my real brother stepped out from behind the cell door. My face dropped. Why can I be so stupid at times? By now I was inside the cell and he was out. He then closed the cell door locking me in. I'm going to kill him when I get out I swear.

In a fit of anger I did not think and smashed mjölnir into the glass wall of the holding cell. Expecting it to brake I was mortified when all it did was crack alittle. But it shook the whole helicarrier, making Loki and a guard hesitate. Wait a guard where he come from? Wow I really let my guard down when it comes to my brother. I stood staring at the crack like an idiot until I noticed movement. My brother smiled and started to walk towards a control panel. That sweet smile turned into a mischievous smirk. Oh for Odin's sake what now?

"The humans think we are immortal. Should we test it?" A twinkle appearing in his devilish blue eyes. Out of nowhere, the guard who funnily enough was guarding Loki drops flat on his face. I believe midgardiens  call it a 'face plant'. It kind of looked like a tree being chopped down. Looking behind him I saw agent Coulson, Liz and Marie stood there each holding huge phase two weapon prototypes. They were the ones Tony stole information about from S.H.I.E.L.D.
"Move away please brother" Liz says. Loki moves away from the switch.
"You like this? We started working on it after you sent the DESTROYER" (thanks JustAMadCatWithABox ) Colson stated.
"Even we don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" Marie questioned a smirk, which was remarkably similar to her brothers, on her face. Next thing you know Marie and Elizabeth are gasping and surrounding Coulson, who appears to have been stabbed. Looking behind the small huddle I saw the real Loki. Damn it Loki stop this trickery. He stabbed Coulson through the heart. Damn it.
A loud explosion was heard sending Coulson hurtling through the air and making him slam into a wall. Marie and Liz were sent side ways. Loki then made his way towards the control panel looking at me. I gave him a hopeful look and hoped he wouldn't send me to my death. As to die in a prison is not an honourable death for a god.
To my amazement he opened the hatch. This time I gave him a hurt but still hopeful look. Oh please brother don't kill me. After all I love you, we are brothers, this is not what we do, we protect not destroy each other. But to no avail he pushed the button and sent me thousands of feet to plumit on Earth and possibly die.  The last I heard was Lokis laugh and Elizabeth scream my name. I guess this could be my end.

Alright humans, becca here. Ima leave it at that. I hope you don't mind all the sassy parts. I'm in one of those moods where everything has a sassy comment after it. Idk maybe it makes it funnier for you to read? How's everyone's week bin? Mine was great thanks for Askin. Bin up 2 much? I NEED SHERLOCK SERIES 4 TO COME OUT IM LOST WOTH OUT IT ANY ONE FEEL THE SAME? No just me okay. Sorry it's a day late I lost track of da days. Any way I tried to make it longer to make up for that. Okay human beings. Becca out. C ya in the shinigami realm. I'm off to c ryuk (any one know what I'm on about? Let me know if you do) later people

Edited- omg Becca here. I'm so sorry for this weird chapter. I guess I shouldn't write whilst sleep deprived. Any ways hope I've improved this truly horrible and rather weird chapter. Becca out.

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