Avert yo eyebowls

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Sup, tis Becca. So me thought me would make this a smidge different to what ye may be expecting. Enjoy humans. Laters. Ps there are spelling mistakes but I can't find um so please ignore it and dont eat me. Thank you. Any way it's Molly's job to check this for me but she ain't here DX. So you'll have to make do with my poor spelling and punctuation.
Steve's POV
We got home not too late... For Tony. It was about 2:30am and i was kinda tired but Tony seemed wide awake, like usual. I don't know how he can do it. Staying up this late every night is not healthy for him. Although he was extremely giddy today which was unusual for him and it was nice. He was quite tipsy but I was proud of him for not getting drunk off his face. I, on the other hand, was sober because I needed to look after him.
"Steeeeeeeve?" Tony whined as he pulled me into our bedroom, bumping into the door frame and frowning at it.
"Yes Tony?"
"You know..." He trailed off and got distracted by a screw driver on the bed side table. Picking it up he examined it, twisting it this way and that before he was satisfied and placed it back in its place.
"Know what babe?" I asked pulling him a little closer to me. He spun around and slammed his body into mine looking slightly confused. He must have misjudged the distance between us. The look on his face was adorable, it was slightly confused but it was soft and his eyes sparkled like those chocolate diamonds you can get. His face really was breath taking.
I leaned down and kissed his soft lips. He tasted like whisky but i didn't mind much. Tony made a satisfied noise
in the back of his throat and sagged into my arms that I wrapped around to support his practically dead weight.
"You know I love you." And he kissed me again. I smiled into the kiss and so did Tony. This really was a pleasant evening. Possibly the best night of my life. From this point on I would be spending everyday with this man, this stupidly drunk, silly, lovable man.
"Steeeeeeeve." Tony whined again, pulling me impossibly closer. We were so close now our noses and foreheads were touching. His breath was hot on my lips and the urge to kiss him bubbled up to the point I couldn't help it. I kissed him again and it was sweet and quick.
"Yes Tony?"
"Huh... You're pretty." He laughed and looked down blushing. God this man was cute. When he looked back up again his eyes were huge and glistening in the limited light of our darkened bedroom. It was moments like this that reminded me I loved this man.
"Thanks." I laughed too and cupped his face, kissing him again. "You too." This time he kissed me. Although his kisses were more demanding.
It started slow, mouths moving in sync. Moulding perfectly as if they were made for each other. He tasted bitter but it was kinda sweet too. We started moving backwards until Tony had me pressed up against the nearest wall. The harsh contact took me by surprise and I let out a gasp. Tony smiled against my lips and pulled away. He took a moment to look over me. His eyes traveled my face, lingering at my eyes and lips. As he looked over me his face contorted into concentration. The inspection of my features lasted a long moment and finally Tony smiled a sweet smile, leaning in to kiss me again.
Once again we started slow and our lips moved perfectly. Tony being Tony decided to take out a step further. I didnt mind though. His soft, slightly swollen lips left mine and travelled to my jaw line and he left butterfly kisses along my jaw. The ghostly kisses leaving a shiver down my spine. Then he started on my neck, leaving kisses down the side with an occasional scrape of teeth and the soothing dampness of his tongue. Once he got to the base of my neck he found that spot that can make me go a little crazy and he knew it. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and a sly smile. Returning his mouth to my neck he bit and sucked on that sensitive area. At this point I was a mess. I let out small gasps and whines but Tony wasn't satisfied until I accidentally let out a small moan.
After that Tony started to leave his kisses back up my neck, jawline and finished at my lips, where he gave me another long sweet kiss. 
"Tony..." I breathed after he pulled away. His eyes met mine and the shy smile on his lips almost had me kissing him again. "Bed babe... You're drunk."
'But steeeeeeeeve I'm not tired..." He wrapped his arms around my neck and sort of dangled there. I took this as my opportunity to get my fiancé, God I could get used to saying that, to bed. The short walk was very awkward because Tony made it so hard. He was swinging gently and I had to do a weird sort of squat so he didn't kick me. We shuffled over to the bed where I threw him down onto it. He screamed like a little girl, he landed, bounced back up and grabbed me down as well. We fell in a muddle of limbs and laughed because there was nothing else to do really. Tony wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me close. I snuggled into him and closed my eyes.
"Steve?" Tony whispered in my ear, causing shivers to run down my spine.
"Nothing... Just thought you were sleeping."
"Can't sleep in clothes babe." He unwrapped his arms from around me and stood up. I stood up too and was about to take my clothes off but was stopped by Tony's hand on my waist. Our eyes met briefly and we took a step closer to each other. Tony's eyes ran over my body and his hands trailed up my sides and back down again. I placed my hands on the hem of his shirt and pulled up, revealing his toned torso. My eyes were practically glued to it and my hand ran over his washboard abs.
"Take a picture it'd last longer darling." Tony purred and pulled on my tshirt, pulling it up and over my head. The cold air of the room hit me and made me shiver. I then pulled Tony's shirt over his head and he shivered. It was truly cold in our room.
"I know a way to warm us up." Tony smirked taking a step closer to me.
"So do I." I replied looking him dead in the eye. "It's called cuddling and sleeping, I'm sure you've heard of it."
"Oh I've heard of it but that's not what I had in mind."
"I know what you had in mind and you're drunk so we can't. However we can do it tomorrow?" I took a step closer to a disappointed Tony but he agreed and we climbed into bed. I lied down first and opened my arms for Tony to climb into. Once he was under the covers I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close so he could snuggle into my chest. He reminded me of a little kitten and it was adorable. It was moments like this when the lights were off and we were close that I truly understood what I loved about is man. Tony would often wake in the night due to a nightmare and I was glad I could be here to comfort him and make him feel safe and like his world wasn't going against him.  However, most nights I would keep him in my grip through out the night so he didn't sneak off to the lab and work till he was too exhausted to carry on.
On nights after a mission we'd often switch places and Tony would wrap his strong arms around me to help me sleep better. He never complained about having to look after me on these nights and I was thankful to him. If I was being arrogant I'd say we made one of the best couples. Not to brag or anything but we always had each other's backs, we complimented each other's personalities and no matter how many times we fell out or argued, we always made up afterward. In my opinion it was the falling out that brought us together.
We were only in bed a minute or two but Tony had already passed out and was snoring softly. Every now and then he'd make a slight snuffly noise and squirm his way closer. He was so adorable in his sleep. I on the other hand was awake for  maybe an hour before I finally felt sleepy and dozed off.

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