Talk about a drama llama

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Steve's POV
From where I am I can here two cops talking when all the others are pointlessly shooting at the flying chariots. The younger of the two seems to be in distress. As I run over to them I jump a car and land in front of the younger one.
"I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You can take them through the basement or through the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th" after I say this both cops look at me in astonishment then the older one, I'm guessing he's a police Sargent going by his uniform, decided to get sassy.
"Why the hell should I take orders from you?" He spits. No sooner than the words left his mouth a huge explosion went off behind him. I managed to block the energy blast with my shield so that it doesn't hit the two police men. From behind my shield I see two chitauri soldiers and they are running straight for us. Looking over at the two men next to me, I notice they are not going to do anything as they are too busy wetting their pants. 'Well then, guess I'm on my own' I thought. As the chitauri get closer I fight them off. A few kicks and punches and they were out or dead, I couldn't tell. Turning back I see the police men's face. They were both shocked, mouths hanging open.
"I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th" the older police man says into his radio after getting over the shock of the very recent event. 'God I hope Tony is okay' I think as I run past the staring cops and go further into the action.

Tony's POV
As I swerve around the building with Marie and Elizabeth in pursuit I have to brake suddenly for there was a huge ass chitauri leviathan.
"What do we do now?" Liz questioned. Marie grounded in annoyance.
"Tony, do something!" My sis shouted at me.
"Fine" I said as I pulled out a miniature multiple rocket launcher and fired to at the beast. The response was not what I wanted as it turned around to face us and roared in annoyance.
"Nice plan doofus" Marie yelled through the head set. Liz and Marie turned and flew in the opposite direction.
"Well we got its attention. What the hell is step two?!" I ask Jarvis. However, Liz answered.
"Turn around moron" she laughed into my head set.
"She has a point sir" Jarvis replied. 'Thanks Jarvis agree with the crazy lady' I thought as I turned around and followed the way Marie and Liz went.

Clint's POV
I tripped another chitauri soldier and shoved my arrow down it throat. Next to me Nat had her hands on a energy rifle and was stickfighting the hell out of them. Suddenly a shield came whizzing passed me and cap came running after it. He gave me a quick solute before he caught his shield and hit a chitauri with it. Then a fork of lightning came crashing down from the sky, the blast channeled a shit ton of electricity that made the aliens drop like flies. 'Take that suckers' Thor landed dramatically a second or two after the lightning bolt.
"What's the story up stairs?" Steve asked him.
"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable" Thor sighed. He looked really worn out and almost fed up. Through my head set I heard Tony's voice.
"Thor's right. We gotta deal with these guys" Tony sounded a little pissed and when I looked around I saw Steve's face, it was in a scowl and he looked like he was gunna punch something. 'Lovers, the best place is not the battle field'
"How do we do this?" Nat asked as she ran a hand through her red hair.
"As a team" Steve and Liz said at the same time. That wasn't weird at all. I look around the half destroyed city. Our area is kinda clear of the aliens, a few chitauri here, a few there. Nothing we cannot handle with a punch or an arrow.
"I have unfinished business with Loki" Thor said, determination heavy in his voice. To this Elizabeth agreed and they both said they would do it together. This made me laugh.
"Yeah, get in line" I said with a few hints of venom in my voice. Nat gave me a strange look as I never use this tone. At this moment in time I just wanted to rip Loki's head off because he was doing my head in, ruining our city, our world, and all for the sake of a temper tantrum that he's not King or what ever.

Steve's voice brought me out of my unpleasant thoughts.
"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need." To me this made no sense.
"With out him these things could run wild" Marie butted in landing next to cap on the ground. Liz next to her added her bit.
"We got stark up top, he's gunna need us..." She trailed off as she looked down the street to where Banner had rode in on a motorbike. Looking over at Nat and Steve the look of confusion and maybe relief on their faces, it was a picture perfect moment to see their identical facial expression.

Banners POV
As I rode up he scene I stopped and got off just in front of Nat. Everyone was gathered in the street apart from Tony who was in the sky being chased by the chitauri leviathan.
"So this seems horrible" I stated looking around. Nat and Marie sighed.
"I've seen worse" Natasha said reloading her pistols. 'I wonder how she has seen worse, she can be quite mysterious at times' I thought. I didn't know what to say.
"Sorry" this made her smile.
"No. We could use a little worse" her lips had a sly grin playing at the corners.
"Stark, babe? We got him" Steve said coldly. Wonder why he's wound up. Tony's voice came through my head set.
"Banner?" He asked and Steve's face went stiff and a firm frown stayed on his face.
"Just like you said" Steve spat. 'Did I do something?' I'll have to ask him later.
"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you" Tony's voice chimed in my ear. 'Why did they talk like I wasn't here?' Next thing I see is Tony coming from round the back of a building. Following him is the chitauri leviathan and it looked angry. All of the avengers look up and start getting ready to fight.
"I... I don't see how that's a party..." Marie trails off staring at the beast.
"Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry" Elizabeth said and I smiled at her.
"That's my secret, princess, I'm always angry" with that my vision went super clear and my skin went tight. I could feel my muscles stretching and hardening. Then I saw green and I had become the hulk.

Tony's POV
As I rounded the corner I saw Banner turn green and bop the leviathan right on his schnoz (that's nose for normal people). The huge creature went 360 from the impact of the mega punch the hulk just dished out. I had to think fast because the beast came hurtling towards me. I extended my arm and got a rocket ready to shoot. Then I fired and the rocked managed to hit an extremely soft part of the monster. The leviathan's are blown away completely. Some of its flesh caught on fire as it fell to the ground and it started sizzling. Steve was covering him and Marie with his shield so that the flame,g meat stakes didn't crush them.

From the roof tops chitauri soldiers look down in astonishment as our group of earths super heroes fight them and by the looks of it we are winning. I guess this was furys plan. The avengers assemble!

Hey humans, becca here. Hope you enjoyed this very over due chapter. I'm sooooo sorry it took soooo long to get it out to you but I've been ill and really busy with school just starting up again. Hopefully now that school is back to normal me and mol can get this book done quick and get you another book, if you r interested of course. Next chapter should be out really soon.
Anyway, how have you all been? Hope you had a nice Christmas and got what u want.
Now Im off to take the head out the fridge and eyes out the kettle, ms Hudson is not happy and neither is John.
Laters, becca out.

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