The brothers meet

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OH GOD IM SO SORRY ABOUT THE PHOTO ITS JUST WHAT CAME UP ON GOOGLE!!! If you don't understand what I'm saying, read the edited note at the start of "To the future".
Elizabeth's POV:
Steve, Tony and Natasha went out to get Loki after they found him somewhere in Germany. They asked if I would like to go, however I declined. I do not think I am prepared to face him yet. Taking a deep breath I walked into the lab and over to the table that Marie was working at. Giving a short nod to her I sat down and read through the files that I should have gone through the other night. Flipping through the pages I thought about Loki, not really paying attention to the words. Should I tell someone that I know him? But what would they think? I was thrust out of my thoughts as Marie was waving her hand in front of my face. She stared at me as I looked at her quizzically. "Spill." She said.
"Bruce has left to go check something out, so tell me." She demanded, folding her arms.
"I don't understand what you're talking about." I shifted under her gaze and refused eye contact.
"Liz. Just tell me." I sighed, giving in.
"The man we are after. I know him. His name is Loki, and he is my brother." I looked up at her to see her mouth hanging open. Before she could speak, she was cut off by her phone ringing.
"This isn't over." She whispered to me after picking up the phone. "Hey Tony, watcha need? Uh huh, alright, I'll ask. Hey Liz, wanna fly over to Tony and Steve? Apparently Thor's there." I nodded vigorously. Smiling, 'I'll see my brother after long last', she continued to talk to Tony. "She said yea. Kay, we'll be right there." Marie hung up and dragged me out of the room just as Bruce came in. "Sorry Bruce gotta go!" She called out behind us.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To suit up. Your giving me a lift, by the way." I rolled my eyes as we entered a room, Marie letting go of my hand and over to a set of draws. She tossed me a set of clothes I recognised as my armour I was wearing when I first came to Midgard. Smiling, I pulled her into a hug and thanked her. She pulled out her uniform, which was similar to Natasha's but was a dark red colour with golden pockets for her special weapons. After changing we ran outside, Marie jumping on my back as I started to fly away at top speed from the air-ship in the direction Marie gave me.
We reached Tony's location in a matter of minutes due to my extremely fast flying. We landed on top a mountain, staring down at a clearing where the fight was commencing. Thor and Tony were battling and I saw Steve flying down in a, parachute?, I think it's called. Looking over at Marie I froze. Over her shoulder, I saw him. Loki. He stared back in shock. I walked over slowly, not believing my eyes.
"Loki-" lightning flashed in the sky. Looking over at the fight I saw Thor using Mjölnir to conjure lightning. Marie came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Go. I'll stay here with reindeer games. I need to relax after all that flying anyway." I turned and laughed aloud as I saw that her hair was now sticking out in every direction. "Go on, hurry before our bros kill each other." I flew down just as Thor sends an immense amount of lightning at Tony, knocking him down.
"Thor!" I screamed. He looked towards me and his eyes widened. I looked back at Tony. "Tony don't!" I yelled as I saw Tony get up and fire at Thor, pushing him to his knees. Before it could go on any further, I ran in between the two. "Stop! There is no need for this!" They both looked at me. "You are both on the same side, so stop acting like petty children!" At this moment Steve came running out of the woods and went to Tony's side.
"Hey that's enough!" He shouted at the two, although it seemed to be directed more towards Thor. "Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here."
"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" Thor seemed to have forgotten about what just happened as he becomes angry again.
"Then prove it! Put the hammer down." Steve says, stepping closer.
"Uh, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer!" I glare at Tony and he backs away putting his hands up in defence.
"You want me to put the hammer down?!" Thor yelled. He raised Mjölnir and leaped into the air towards Steve, who had stood in front of Tony in a protective manner and raised his shield.
"Thor, don't!" I reached out to him, but it was too late. Mjölnir collided with the shield and created a gigantic explosion of light, sending us all flying. The back of my head smashed into a rock as I was thrown back, adding to the pain I felt all over my body. I sat up slowly, clutching the back of my head as blood pooled out, making my hand sticky and wet. (That's what she said) My ears rang, and my vision was blurred. After a few moments I could see and hear clearly again, however the pain had gotten worse. I stood up, and limped my way over to the others. "Are we done here?" I asked in an annoyed manner. They all stayed silent, so I shakily flew back to Marie.
(Sorry for mol's immaturity, she can be childish at times just like Tony ;) luv ya tho mol ;)

Marie's POV:
I watched as the guys below yelled at each other, every once in a while looking over at reindeer games. He just sat there in shock, looking down specifically at Liz, which I found pretty creepy. Things seemed to be getting better, until Steve showed up. I watched in horror as Thor raised his hammer and was about to slam it down on Steves shield. His vibranium shield. As soon as the two meet, an implosion of light blasts out, making me cover my eyes with my hands. The ground shook, and a massive shock wave blew up anything within a mile. I sighed in relief when the light went away and I saw that everyone was still alive. However, Liz seemed a bit off. She was holding her head and limping. She yelled at the guys before wobbly flying towards me. "Liz, are you ok?" I asked kind of worried, as she slowly made her way over. When she finally made it she collapsed, holding her head in pain. "Oh my God what happened!?" I screamed when I saw the blood coming out of her head, making her normally golden curls, a wet, orange colour.
"Get on my back, we need to get to Bruce." She told me, crouching down.
"What? We can just take the quinjet, your not in any condition to fly, let alone with me on your back!"
"There's no time, I may have faster healing than you, but I'm still bleeding from the back of my head. If I don't get back soon I might die!" She yelled. I sighed and climbed onto her back, though I kind of felt guilty.
"You might what?!" We turned to see that Tony, Steve and Thor had all joined us on the mountain, their mouths hanging open. "What the fuck, Liz, you head!" I guess it was Tony who shouted before.
"Marie I need you to stop my head from bleeding as much as you can, okay?"
"Yep." I replied, applying pressure to the wound. Then, she took off back towards the helicarrier, ignoring the shouts from the guys behind us. I rolled my eyes when I heard the familiar sound of Tony's iron man suit flying closer.
"What's wrong with you Elizabeth?!" I heard Tony's robotic voice in my earpiece, but Liz wasn't waring one so she couldn't hear.
"Liz can't hear you bro, she's not wearing an earpiece. And she had a severe head wound, we're going back to Bruce for help." I answered. Tony flew closer.
"It's not safe! Come back to the quinjet!"
"There's no time! She-" before I could finish my sentence, I started to fall. At first I thought that I'd fallen off Liz, but a second later I realised that she was falling too. I gasped. "She's passed out!" I yelled, holding onto one of Liz's arms, using my other hand to reach for Tony who was flying down after us. He went underneath us, catching Liz and holding her bridal style, while I flipped round and went onto Tony's back. "We need to go straight to the helicarrier!" Tony nodded and flew as fast as he could, desperate to save her. I felt for her pulse, and felt that it was slowing down rapidly. "Tony,"
"I know." The rest of the ride was silent, both of us silently praying that she would make it.

Sup dudes. Molly here. How you liking the story? How's your summer, if your still in summer when you read this. If not, then how is whatever season it is? Anyway, I hope you like the early update, me and Becca thought it would be a good idea. I suppose it also makes up for the the two weeks of late updates. Hope you have or have had a fantastic day! Bye sweeties! 💋

Hello people it's becca, isn't mol sweet ^.^ look how she talks to you. But guess what as mol said ITS SUMMER BITCHES!! Which means we can update maybe more than once a week. What y'all think about that hmm? Well tbh I hope you are all excited as much as I am. Can I get a yeahya? No okay. Anyway hope you enjoyed mol's hard work on this one ik I did.

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