You are getting very sleepy...

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Lone pilots POV
I sat in the cockpit, listening, waiting. I was waiting for a specific command and I hoped it would come soon. I was kinda bored by now.
"Director Fury is no longer in command. Override order, 7 ALPHA 11." Oh hell yes. Finally.
"7 ALPHA 11, confirmed. Prepare to takeoff." I said as I ignited my engine.

Agent Hill's POV
As usual I was checking my computer but something didn't seem right. It took me a moment or two but I finally saw it. '7 ALPHA 11' was preparing for take off but we hadn't given him permission. This worried me slightly.
"Sir, we have a bird in motion! Anyone on the desk, we have a rogue bird!" I wasn't sure who was listening to me but I hoped that someone was and I wished they'd stop that damn bird from leaving. "We need to shut it down! Repeat! Take off is not authorised!" By this time I was shouting into my ear piece as if that would help. I was clicking away at the computer but it didn't seem to get me any where so I tried harder and hoped a little harder that someone else was helping me. 

Furys POV
In my hand I had a mother fucking badass airtronic rpg-7. It was extremely light to say what it was but that's convenient because it would be a hell of a lot harder to run with a heavy and bulky gun. Once I made my way to the deck I saw the jet take off. Mother fucker ain't gunna get away that easily. So I shot the tail end of the jet and it skidded off towards the edge. But... The pilot was unharmed. Damn.
Suddenly a load roar could be heard and I turned to see another 7 ALPHA 11 take off. This time I didn't try to shoot. I knew I couldn't do anything anyway.
"Stark, you hearing me?" I asked but I didn't give him time to reply, I knew he heard me. "We have a missile headed straight for the city."
"His long?" Tony asked, his voice static in my ear.
"Three minutes, at best. Stay low and wipe out the missile." I know he can do it. Well not the staying low bit...

Tony's POV
They just wouldn't stop... So many freaking alien soldier things. I was fighting off as many as I could. Which wasn't really that many as I was only one guy. But heck I'll try.
"JARVIS, put everything we got into the thrusters!" Cuz right now I just wanna get away from these freaks.
"I just did." And with that I left the street and flew upwards into the sky.

Pilots POV
I arrived out side the city. All I had to do was flip a switch and press a button. Simple. Once I pushed the button the missile flew out and went in the direction of Manhattan.
"Destination is in two minutes thirty seconds. Mark."

Marie's POV
Me, Liz, Thor and cap were all battling it out with those alien chitauri creatures. Thor threw mjölnir at the same time Steve threw his shield. Mjölnir smashed several soldiers whilst the shield decapitated at least 6 soldiers as it made its way around. It always amazed me how it acted like a boomerang, I mean it wasn't  shaped like one yet it behaved like one. Liz was throwing fire balls left, right and centre which was helpful because the chitauri were dropping like flies. I was using my flame sword mostly but when I was bored of close up combat I'd throw a few frozen charms in the mix. It's always nice to mix things up a little.
After that little round of combat Steve and Thor threw their weapons again. It's kinda creepy how they throw them at the same time. It's almost as if they plan it. However this time Thor caught mjölnir and cap hit an energy blast to the side which knocked him down.
"Steve?" Liz asked concerned. It took her a second to blast the solder she was fighting then she rushed to his side and helped him up. Thor had saw cap go down and chucked a car at the chitauri who rushed after Steve and Liz. The car crushed the few that got too close to my fiends.
"Nice one goldilocks!" I shouted at Thor who smirked at me then went back to smashing the chitauri with his hammer.  Steve and Liz were now fighting next to each other and cap had picked up his shield.
"You ready for another bout brother?" Elizabeth asked and turned to knock a soldier out with her extremely strong punch.
"What?" I asked as I chopped the head off an alien. It's neck smouldered as the flame blade sliced through it. At least the heat would seal up the wound so there wouldn't be blood.
"You getting sleepy?" Cap turned to face me then to Thor as if he was addressing us both.
"Psh, no! Are you capsicle?" I retorted and this earned me a laugh.
"I am not sleepy, I assure you. In fact I am quite pumped" Thor stated and Liz gave him a weird look.
"Pumped?" She asked me as she  sent a chitauri flying. But I couldn't answer due to laughing and you know, fighting and all that.

Hello humans, becca here. Sorry this chapter is so short. It was kinda a filler one whilst Molly is writing the next one. Hope it's not too bad. Anyway how's you all been? Weather bin good? It's been super hot here... It's horrid. Done anything good recently? Yes? No?
Any one seen the new season of games of thrones? Still waiting for the next sherlocks? Or are you dead from all the waiting? Seen the new season of supernatural?
Sorry for all the questions I'm bored XD anyway becca out. Gotta find ryuk and watch over light. Laters

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