The story of jonah

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Nats POV
I walked up to a large machine that had the tesseract inside. On the ground near it was Erik, he was slumped over as if he'd gone a few rounds with the hulk. Selvig looked so weak and when he turned to me his eyes were wild and desperate. "Doctor." My voice came out a little harsher than I wanted but oh well.
"Loki's scepter." His voice was quite and weak but he carried on. "The energy... the tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself." Selvig slumped a little further down, if that was possible. 'He must be so uncomfortable like that' I thought.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing." This time I made sure to speak a little softer because he reminded me of a child who had done a bad thing by accident and not realised how severe it actually was. After I said this he thought for a moment or two as if I'd given a point he hadn't considered yet. Then he looked up at me for a long second before he spoke.
"Well, actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source." When he said this it was my turn to ponder for a long moment.
"Loki's scepter" I stated as if I knew but in actual fact it was just a guess.
"It might be able to close the portal." He then looked down as if he was distracted by something on the ground. Then he spoke and it made me jump a little because i wasn't expecting it. "And I'm looking right at it."
I then took a step forward so I could look over the edge as well and as the doctor said Loki's scepter was just lying there waiting to be picked up.

Thor's POV
Mjölnir, at this moment in time was being used to smack several chitauri riders. The chariot I was on was flying nicely until  a giant leviathan crashed through a near by building and knocked me off. Once I hit the ground I saw that I was next to cap, Liz and Marie who were fighting off soldiers with a fierce combination of fireballs, punches and freezing charms. So naturally I joined in with the defeating of chitauri soldiers and good old mjölnir helped significantly. Above us the metal man was firing his laser beams at the leviathan bit to no avail.

Tony's POV
"Sir, we will lose power before you cut through that shell." Sometimes JARVIS was the least helpful thing in the universe because I already knew this and I already had a plan forming. I flew up ahead of the oncoming monster and turned to face it.
"JARVIS. You ever hear the tale of Jonah?" I asked a smile appearing on my face. I looked down for a spilt second and saw I was above my boyfriend, sister and the two gods. They were all fighting together and if my plan worked the leviathan would fall on top of them. 'Right' I thought, 'best move it along a little.'
"I wouldn't consider him a role model." JARVIS stated. Again I just smiled as we flew over the top of the little action scene on the ground. Once we were a reasonable distance away I turned and flew straight into the monsters mouth which was already open and waiting for me. 'How nice.'
I flew in one end and burst out the other end. The leviathan let out a screech and collapsed. Then I fell to the ground below and rolled along it. All the wind was knocked out of me and I had to gasp to get my breath back. After a second of heavy breathing I sat up and saw a large group of chitauri soldiers rush towards me with their rifles. With the little breath I had recovered I sighed and laid  back down for a second. I cannot be dealing with this right now. Just one minutes rest is all I ask!

Clint's POV
This was my last arrow... I had to make it count and it kinda did. Using my bow as a staff I whacked a few soldiers which knocked them out. Then I ran to the chitauri I used my last arrow on and yanked it out. The arrow came out with a squelch and I cringed because that sound is so gross!
Once the arrow was retrieved I knocked my arrow and dived down the building. 'This plan better work, good job I have great aim.... Not to toot my own horn or anything.' When I was half way between the roof and ground I shot my grappling hook arrow into the side of a building. When I finally got enough momentum I swung myself into the building and cannonballed straight through it. 'This would have been so much better in water and maybe it wouldn't  have hurt so much.'

3rd person around hulk:
Hulk stood there, holding a chitauri in each hand. The soldiers faces being crushed in his giant, dirty, green hands. He then slams them down against the ground hard and the concrete around them brakes up and flies in the air from the impact. The hulk lets out a roar as more keep coming at him. All of them charging and firing. When he looks up the hulk can see hundreds of chitauri hovering over him. They all start firing their energy blasters. But he's the hulk so he can take it. He takes off running through the bullet storm but to him it's like running through a light shower of rain. The hulk blocks the energy blasts with his huge fists and it looks as if he is just swatting flies away from him.

Hey humans, becca here. Sorry it's only short but me and mol have had a rather busy time recently. We've both had to revise for our German GCSE and had a science ISA which took like two weeks. Also it's short cuz I was gunna write more but today's a busy day for me so sorry. It's almost the end of the book :0 dun dun dun. Any way later humans becca out.

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