You wanna go? Huh punk

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Hey humans, Becca here. I was bored so edited this chapter. You may not notice but for the benefit of most of you (and Molly) I added in correct punctuation. Hope you are all happy. I hate punctuation. Anyway, read on. (P.s. The punctuation may still be terrible as I don't know how to use it)
Tony's POV
When Fury walked in on me and Marie watching Nat and Loki's encounter I knew it wasn't going to be the best talk with him. I looked at Marie and she swallowed the mouth full of blueberries and walked over to banner, as if trying to avoid it. Sighing I said "Kind of been wondering the same thing about you." The anger was so obvious in Fury's eyes I almost wanted to laugh.
"Your supposed to be locating the tesseract." And... There it was, the anger dripping from his voice. Before I could make my sarcastic comment banner chipped in making me frown.

"We are. The models locked." I zoned out then as I didn't much care for his dumb explanation. Once I saw his mouth stop moving I added, "And you'll get your cube no muss, no fuss." A smile playing at the corners of my mouth. About a half a second later a beep could be heard. Marie and I looked over to the holographic monitor. Marie's face twisted into a of scowl and confusion caused her brow to crease and deep lines formed around her eyes. This in turn caused me to become confused and look at banner, who was equally baffled.

"What's phase two?" Marie questioned. Turning to Fury, who looked even more pissed. Uh oh some one needs to calm their tits. *swoosh* the door opened and in walked my beautiful yet still pissed boyfriend. He was holding some sort of hydra assault rifle. No one else had noticed him. Steve chucked the weapon onto the table causing everyone in the room to look at him.
"Phase two, S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons." His eyes had darkened to a sapphire blue indicating he was way beyond angry. Turning to my sister his eyes softened.
"Sorry, the computer was moving a Little slow." He smiled then walked to my side and interlocked our fingers.

Furys face dropped and he then look puzzled. Leaning up I whispered in Steve's ear "How'd you find that?" But he didn't answer me. Ugh he's slightly pissed at me then. I was trying to figure out where he got that rifle from then realised that fury was explaining something.
"I'm sorry Nick, what were you lying?" I asked playing innocent. Capsicles face dropped and he looked so sad.
"I was wrong director. The world hasn't changed." With that he shook his head, let go of my hand and walked off to go sulk in a corner I assume. At that moment the door opened again and my heart broke a little. Who'd a thought it. Tony stark known for not having a heart actually having heart ache because his boyfriend was sulking. Ugh I've grown soppy.

Natasha, Thor and Liz walked through the door. The asgardian gods walked to the centre of the room and just stopped. Tension was building in the small room making it claustrophobic. It settled like a thick fog almost chocking everyone. Banner and Nat were having an intense staring contest, the gods shifted a little, my sister and Steve were sharing worried glances and fury was staring at Thor and Liz.

"Did you know about this?" Banner asked his voice dripping venom as he stared daggers at Nat. She blinked.
"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment doctor?" She asked trying to 'play it cool'. Then they started about eyelashes and Calcutta, twitches and mass destruction. Wait what?! Destruction of what? Damn should pay more attention.

Thor's POV
Natasha and that doctor banner were arguing about the cube when fury pointed to me and Liz then said "Because of them." His eyes squinted as he glared at us.
"Us?!" Liz and I shouted in unison.
"Last year Earth had a visitor from another planet." pointing at Liz. Then he went on about the destroyer and the destruction but I know Liz didn't cause that.
"Our people want nothing but peace with your planet."I spoke gesturing to me and Elizabeth. This fury character is really getting on my nerves if he's not careful I'll set mjölnir on him.
"But your not the only one out there are you? And you're not the only threat. The worlds filling up with people who carnt be matched, they carnt be controlled." Oh that smug look on his face. I'm so going to beat him.

I look around and saw Steve's face he looked just as angry as I felt and so did Marie.
"Like you controlled the cube?" Steve's eyebrows almost disappeared in his hair line as he walked forward out of the shadows. Him and Tony met in the middle and were now holding hands. Here on Midgard they show affection at the weirdest of times.
"Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it and his allies." My sisters face lit up with realisation.
"It is a signal to all the realms that Earth is ready for a higher form of war." She looked so scared for some reason. That in its self scared me.
"A higher form?" Marie asked kind of nervous, looking towards her brother.
"You forced our hand. We had to come up with something." He shrugged. Everyone's face in the room hardened and shot daggers at the eye patch man.
"I thought humans were more evolved then that" oops did I say that out loud?
"Excuse me, did WE come to YOUR planet and blow stuff up?" Fury asked, emphasis on we and yours. Someone best hold me back or I will pulverise him.
"Did you always give your champions such mistrust?" I shot back. The whole team was arguing. Me and fury. Steve and Tony. Marie and Elizabeth. Natasha and banner.

No one noticed the glow of Lokis Scepter, they were all to involved in the argument.
Meanwhile in a lone carrier about the helicarrier.
Hawkeyes POV
Me and the team were suiting up to descend into the helicarrier and get Lokis scepter back.

Hello humans, becca here. Hope u liked that chapter. It's getting to a good bit so I decided to make ya wait ;) I won't be updating this week as I'm on holiday. So yall better hope Molly will write 4 ya. Anyone else bin on holiday if so where ya bin? If not r u going anywhere? Do u wanna go anywhere?
U enjoying the book so far? Let me know. Feedback is much appreciated:) help me make the book better :D
All roght people becca out.

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