Tis confusion

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Hulks POV

Thor's POV
Me and Bruce, who was now in hulk form, we're taking on a giant leviathan. It was a great beast, with armour protecting its slimy form. It was really quite a grotesque creature and one of nightmares as it was almost unstoppable. However, I knew I could stop it. I mean come on, I am the mighty Thor! I myself am unstoppable! I am a god after all. I looked over to Banner who had just ripped a huge chunk of the leviathan's armour off and slammed it back into the beasts spine. It let out a blood curdling roar and it was enough to burst ear drums. Despite the Monster having its spinal cord damaged it was still alive so I had to act quick. I summoned all my strength and drew lightning into my trusty hammer, mjölnir. Then I brought it down on the mighty beast and he, I assume a he although it could be a she, was down.

With a final screech of pain the leviathan died and crashed. Straight into the history museum. Great. As it descended me and Banner managed to stay on its back and once it had crashed we both looked down and admired our handy work. Well done us. As I turned to say something to Banner I felt a strong pain in my face which was bad enough to ripple through my body and stun me. It took a while to register what happened next. The world went by in a blur of colour as I flew backwards, the pain not subsiding and my face was radiating heat and pain. I felt as if someone had thrown a ton of bricks at me. Once I crashed into something the world went black and the pain was even worse. Due to my other senses being numbed from shock the rush of adrenaline was just too much and only heightened my sense of pain.

Then the world burst back into colour and I took a shaken and almost panicked  breath. Looking up I saw Banner smirking at me. The large corner of his green mouth was curled up. The cracked lips lifting to reveal crooked yellow teeth. The sight was not attractive, not one bit. That oaf  had just punched me and was now mocking me. I will get him back and them I shall be the one mocking him.

Selvig's POV
I was in solitary, dark place. I remember Loki coming out of a portal that the tesseract had created. He walked up to me and touched the end of a Scepter to my chest right above my heart. Then black. Pure pitch black. For a few moments the darkness created a bubble of panic in my chest and it was hot and tight. My lungs burned like I was suffocating and that made the panic worse. But then the darkness was inviting and it was nice, the bubble subsided and I could relax and fall into it. It was like a really long nap and oh how I missed this kind of sleep.
Then I woke up... And it was weird. I had been in the darkness for so long that the brightness hurt my eyes. I squinted for a moment or two to let my eyes adjust. I have no clue  where I am and by the looks of it I am high up. This is so strange. I can feel the wind on my face and the breeze is nice and cool and I feel almost awake. As I start to gain my bearings  and look around I realise that I am on a roof and next to me is the tesseract with a fierce looking blue force field surrounding it and it seems to be held in some sort of device that looks very technical. Something of my own doing perhaps as it seems almost familiar.
This is a very weird and confusing situation. How did I get up here? Why am I up here? Why is the tesseract there? What the hell is all that noise?! With that I look around me and see a very obscure scene. There is a huge hole in the sky from which lots of weird alien things are pouring out. On the ground is captain America and those alien things. Natasha and Clint are on rooftops. Stark is flying and being chased by aliens. Thor is on the floor looking dazed and the hulk looks rather amused. The sisters of the playboy and the god are fighting side by side.
This is confusing and I have a head ache. I am not in the mood for this right now. I need a nap or something. Wow.

Steve's POV
A soldier had me pinned down with its energy rifle and I was not happy about that. I was fighting it will little less than half my strength as I didn't want to waste it as I could need it at some point. After a while I managed to break its leg with a loud, sharp snap that made me cringe a little. It fell to the floor with a cry and I picked up my shield.
"Captain." It was Clint's voice in my ear piece and it sounded like it had an important edge to it. "The bank on 42nd past Madison, they caught a lot of civilians there."
"I'm on it." I said and rushed off only to be joined my Marie and Liz who had come to help me out as they had just finished with a group of the alien soldiers.
"Mind if we join you cap?" Liz asked.
"No, it's a free country after all."
"True." Marie laughed and with that we took off to the bank. As we approached it we all took a few seconds to come up with an action plan then we proceeded forward. I smashed the window and took out the alien bomber. Two soldiers came at me but Marie took one out with a charm that froze its entire body and shattered as she smashed it with her sword. Liz took the other by sending a huge flame ball its way. I hid under a desk whilst I assessed the situation again. The girls were fighting a few soldiers whilst the civilians were just standing there gawping at us. A few soldiers were coming my way so I kicked the desk at them and it knocked them over so naturally I took off their head with my shield. Another was making its way towards me so i leapt forwards and got it in a head lock. Then another rushed for me so back handed it.
"Nice bitch slap Steve!" Marie shouted as she punched a chitauri and sliced at it with her flaming sword.
"Hey language! There may be innocent ears here!" I replied as I snapped the neck of the soldier I was holding.
"Guys focus!" Liz huffed as she hurled a solider out the broken window. "All civilians out now! Please." She called and hurried the helpless people out side.
I heard the rapid ticking of a bomb and started to panic a little more. I had forgotten about it until it had gotten faster just now.
"Everyone, clear out!" I practically screamed at them. By this time most of the civilians were out and I was mainly talking to Liz and Marie, who followed my command, thank god. I then made my way towards the bomb that was about to go off but the bomber dived for it and got in my way. Damn it! Sorry mind my language. I figured out a second later that the bomber was actually trying to make it stop but he was too late and it exploded, sending the bomber flying into a wall along with large pieces of shrapnel that squashed him against the wall. The other shrapnel was heading my way so I held up my trusty shield. The force of the bomb blasted me out the window and I landed with a crash into a car. That actually really hurt. From below me I managed to work out, in my dazed state mind you, that the civilians were safe and so were Marie and Liz. Although my vision was blurry I got up and looked around the city waiting for my vision to clear.

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