Shits going down

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Steve's POV
We're in the middle of an Alien war and Tony decides to piss me off. Not good. How could he? I thought he loved me not that green thing. I could honestly brake down and cry right now. Well I could if there wasn't a hole in space and a bunch slimy aliens coming out of it.
"Just keep me posted. JARVIS find me a soft spot." Keep him posted? Is he serious? If I find that beast he will have a shield through his head. Okay that was mean but I'm not at all pleased. I mumble a whatever and run of in the same direction as Natasha and Clint.

Thor's POV
I had a hold of my brother. Forcing his face to look upon the chaos he has caused. "Look at this, look around you. You thing this madness will end with your rule?" Loki was still squirming in my arm. He tried to look away.
"It's too late." His voice was soft and didn't show any emotion. "It's too late to stop it."
"No." My anger was boiling over but I couldn't help but feel sorry for my brother. "We can. Together and with Elizabeth's help." As soon as Elizabeth's name left my lips he turned his head and there was hope in his eyes. This, I thought, means we have an agreement and no more people would have to die due to the chitauri and stupidness of my foolish brother.

All of a sudden Loki smiled a devilish smile as a hot, white pain shot through my body. Falling to my knees I saw Loki standing above me a small knife in his had covered in blood, my blood.
"Sentiment." His voice had gone back to normal and that smile never left his face. Before I had time to get up Loki was kicked and lifted into the air. Raising my head I saw Elizabeth in my blurry vision. Marie was next to her holding her flaming sword aloft ready to slice who ever got in her way. My sister slammed Loki down on the floor of Stark tower. His bleeding body rolled off the edge of the tower's landing. A gasp left Marie's lips as we all ran to the edge only to see him riding a chariot of gold followed by at least a dozen chitauri Warriors.

Natasha's POV
Clint and Steve and I ran behind an upturned taxi. Looking up we saw Loki riding on his chariot with his band of merry men although they are not really that merry. A chain of explosions take place after the chariots, smashing up cars and sending people flying. Extremely scared people were running in every direction trying to get away from the monster who is Loki. They all looked over their shoulders trying to make sure he is not near them. I looked at Steve who was looking over at the bridge.
"These people need assistance down there." Steve almost cried through the head set. I looked over to where Steve was and saw a whole bunch of chitauri soldiers. But there was also chitauri near us and firing.
"We got this. It's good." I say as I pulled out both pistols and shot back at the stupid aliens "Go!" I shouted at cap. He turned to Clint with a hopeful glint in his eye.
"You think you can hold them off?" His voice sounded pained as if he couldn't decide to stay with us and help the people on the ground or help the ones on the bridge, stuck in cars and helpless with no where to go.
"Captain." Clint answered as he pulled the trigger on his mechanical bow which chose the afoot head for him. "It would be my genuine pleasure." He then shot his arrow which went straight into one of the chitauri's head. Cap headed toward the bridge and just in time as well because a huge explosion went off just behind him. After the explosion does down I saw cap rushing over the plaza and hurling himself over exploding cars. Looking over at Clint he was running over to to an upturned bus full of people, children were being held up by desperate parents for Clint to rescue. But Clint being Clint ran straight to the jammed door and forced it open with a couple kicks and blows. Once it was open people flooded out and ran to,safety almost like a stampede.
I was emptying my clip as Clint was firing his arrows into the chitauri, they were dropping like flies now. I was missing my target a few times but Clint was hitting them every time. He's so great at this!
"Just like Budapest all over agin!" I shouted to him laughing a little
"You and I remember Budapest very differently." he grinned.

Hey humans becca here. I know it's been a while since the last proper chapter. You all probably hate us now but here is our next chapter. I'm so so so so sorry it's taken so long  and is soooo short but I had to rush because I've now got so much homework that doesn't take 5 minutes. Sucks to be me. Hopefully up won't have to wait this long for another. Anyway how have you all been? Had a good week? Month? How ever long it's been. I'm still sorry.
Hope u enjoyed this short chapter and I hope I can make your next one longer.
Becca out

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