Big ol' action scene

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Elizabeth's POV:
All of us fought with each other, shouting, our voices getting louder by the second. "You speak of control, yet you cause chaos!" I yelled at Fury.
"It's their M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... We're a time-bomb." Bruce said.
"You need to step away." Fury ordered Bruce, taking a step towards him. I looked towards Tony to see him put his arm around Steve.
"Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" He asked, smirking.
"You know damn well why, back off!" Steve yelled at Tony, pushing him off his shoulder. Tony's eyes seemed to have a flicker of sadness, but they immediately went back to their smug glow. I started to ignore their petty fight, and went to talk to Marie.
"I really don't like it when they fight." She whispered. I walked towards her, putting my arm comfortingly around her.
"It will be alright. They are a strong couple, I can tell they will make it through these tough times." I told her. She smiled sadly at me.
"I hope you're right." I nodded turning back to the fight, holding Marie's hand.
"You people are so petty... And tiny." Thor laughed. I frowned at him.
"I have grown to love these people, Thor, do not insult them!" I shouted at him.
"Agent Romanoff, would you escort Dr. Banner back to his-"
"Where? You rented my room!" Bruce cut Fury off.
"The cell was just in case-"
"In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know! I tried!" He yelled. Marie and I gasped; the whole room went silent. "I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spat it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people, I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk!" I heard Marie gulp as Bruce looked at Natasha, he was angry. "You wanna know my secret, Agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" My eyes widened along with everyone else's in the room.
"Bruce, put down the sceptre." Marie said, her voice and body shaking. Bruce looked down and seemed shocked to see that he was holding Loki's sceptre, as if he didn't know he had it. Suddenly, the device on the table started to make a beeping noise.
"Got it." Tony said, walking over to the table.
"Sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all." Bruce looked down sadly.
"Located the tesseract?" Thor asked, moving closer to me.
"I can get there faster." Tony said.
"The tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it." I told them, shifting towards Thor and letting go of Marie's hand. Tony turned to leave, but Steve stopped him.
"Your not going alone!"
"You gonna stop me?" Tony fought back. Oh for Odin's sake not again. I walked over to Bruce to comfort him as he was looking at the device.
"Oh my god!" He exclaimed. Suddenly, everyone was thrown in every direction from an explosion. The floor underneath me collapsed. Bruce, Natasha and I all fell down onto the floor below. I groaned and push myself off the floor, debris fallling from my back. I look over to Natasha and see that her leg is stuck underneath the rubble.
"I'm ok. We're okay, right?" I heard her whisper quietly to herself. Bruce was breathing heavily, gripping the floor. His eyes had turned green. Oh no. I watched in horror as his face grew and changed. I quickly went over to Natasha to help her out before we got hurt.
"Doctor... Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me." Natasha tried to reassure Bruce, but is wasn't working. At that moment two other men walked around the corner. I waved them away furiously and they ran away once seeing that Bruce was changing. I continued to remove the rubble trapping Natasha's leg without hurting her as she continued to talk to Bruce. "We're gonna be ok. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never-"
"Your life?" Bruce's voice had changed. His usual calm voice was morphing into a growl. Another explosion occurred, and Bruce turned to look at us, just as the lights went out. I stood up and quickly pulled Natasha up, making her gasp in pain.
"Bruce." I whispered. As he started transforming into the monster, he gave us one last knowing look before fully changing. The monster turned its head to us, it's face disturbing. Natasha and I ran up the stairs beside us with the monster chasing after us. We manoeuvred our way around the maze of pipes, but Bruce pulled us out from under the grate flooring. We fell underneath it and stealthily escaped. A shiver runs down my back as the he let out a roar of rage that was unlike anything I've ever heard before. It was something primeval.

Tony's POV:
"Put on the suit!"
"Yep!" Steve helped me up and out the lab. I ran to go and get my suit whilst listening to the conversation going on in my earpiece.
"Somebody's got to get inside and patch up that engine." I heard Agent Hill say.
"Stark! You copy that?!" Fury yelled.
"I'm on it!" I replied.
I caught up with Steve as we headed for the landing pad, running through a dim lit, debris filled hall.
"Find engine three. I'll meet you there." I told Steve. He nodded back and left, but not before grabbing me and pulling me in for a passionate kiss. I wound my fingers in his hair while he held my back, bringing me closer. Pulling away he winked at me and continued running down the hall. I smirked to myself as ran into a room, finding my suit waiting, lit up in all its glory. I put it on as fast as I could, running down the hall the same way Cap went. Taking a sharp turn I ran into someone, sending them onto their back.
"Marie?" I helped her up off her ass, then continued to run down the hall, dragging her with me.
"Hey bro! Where you going?" She asked casually.
"To the engines! Gotta put 'em back online, I might need some though." I told her. She gasped.
"Did Tony Stark just ask his sister for help?!" She exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes.
"Tony, I'm here!" Steve said through the earpiece. I let go of Marie's hand and flew over to the engine.
"Good. Let's see what we got." I got close to the engine and scanned the damages. "I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before i can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris."
"Already working on it!" Marie said.
"What?" I looked down to see Marie sitting on the floor on her laptop, typing away furiously.
"Don't worry about it, just get the rotors unstuck!" Giving her a thumbs up, I flew down and started pulling on the rotors.
"Steve, I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." She told him while pointing to the panel across the railings. "Tony, clear up those rotors."
"Yes ma'am." I said sarcastically. "What's it look like in there?" I asked Steve.
"It seems to run on some form of electricity."
"Well, your not wrong." Marie muttered under her breath. I smirked. Marie directed Steve on what to do as I finished on clearing the rotors.
"The relays are intact. What's our next move?"
"Even if Tony clears the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. Your gonna have to get in there and push." She told me.
"If that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded!" Steve yelled at me, concerned.
"Then stay in the control unit and reverse the polarity (anyone get the doctor who reference? :D) long enough to disengage mag-"
"Speak English!" Steve cut me off. Marie groaned.
"See that red lever? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for Tony to get out. Stand by it, wait for his word."

Hello peeples of Wattpad!!! Molly here! How are your lives at this moment in time? Mine is swell, today I have binge watched a lot of episodes of Doctor Who!!!!! Got quite a few achievements on my Xbox 😝 I just finished the one where the TARDIS turns into a woman. Idk why I'm talking about Doctor Who on an avengers fanfic, but then why does anyone do anything? I drank a lot of cherry cola, kinda hyped up. I'm also texting Rebecca right now, she's back from her holiday, HI BECCA!!! HOPE YOU HAD FUN!!! Thanks for the pics of all the cute guys 😛 don't know why I just told everyone you did that, but you can just edit that out if you want. Anyway, I have to go. Beccas mad cuz John is preggers with Sherlocks baby and he said he didn't want it, BYE SWEETIES! 💋

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