This is a super creative title bros

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This is a tag thing me and mol were tagged in. Here  r the rules
1) post all rules
2) you have to tag 13 peeps
3) each person has to say 13 things about them selves
4) you have to answer all 13 questions as well as make new ones for the people you tag
5) please don't skip da tags
6) tag backs are allowed
7) if you don't do it with in a week u must do somet we say
8) be creative with da title
9) put it in a book not da comments

Question time- becca in bold, mol in normal
1) Dan or Phil- Dan, dan
2) marvel or DC- marvel, marvel
3) are you an introvert or extrovert- introvert duh, I am both bitches
4) favourite cartoon- ADVENTURE TIME!!!!, scooby doo
5) perfect house- we r freakin living together in our freaking nerd palace
6) who's your celebrity crush- benedict cumberbatch, MATT SMITH!!!!!
7) got any pets- a piggie (Guinea pig) named sammy and a kittie called susie, a dog called Lola and gerbils fin and jake
8) are you a gamer- not really, I play the odd one here and there live the shall we date games, HELL YEAH I AM!!! HALO 4 LIFE BITCHES!!!!
9- what's your favourite game? Can be board games and apps- probably the shall we date games especially love tangle and blood rose, ummm... Star Wars Battlefront
10- what is your spirit animal- I took a quiz. I got a wolf! I got wolf too!!!!
11- fave book? The Wee Free Men, that's like asking favourite pizza or somet, if I had to chose probably morganville book series. I cannot pick one!!!!!
12- if you could marry any character from any book, who would it be? The Doctor. There are Doctor Who books so technically it counts!! Shane Collins from morganville or Michael glass from the same book or maybe Sherlock (I want all 3 though I'm voting more for Sherlock)
13- favourite youtuber- either Markiplier or Dan or Phil or Rhett&Link or Rooster Teeth or The Slow Mo Guys, miniladd or h20delerious or wildcat idk DX
Sorry we don't have 13 friends XD
Here r the tagged people's
JustAMadCatWithABox  btw u cannot rip anything as we r secretly assassins who trained with Nat so there. But also they exploded when we saw Benedict and Matt.

Almost done!!!
Our questions for the tagged people-
1-Sam or dean? (from supernatural)
2- favourite colour?
3- favourite Star Wars character?
4-who's better benedict cumberbatch or Matt smith?
5- Harry Potter- books or films?
6-favourite school subject?
7- cannibals or vampire?
8-Sherlock or Moriarty?
9- Hawkeye or dead pool?
10-walking dead or game of thrones?
11-Sherlock or doctor who?
12-opinion on spoilers for books and films
13-celebrity crush?

Alrighty people this is the end. Please answer the questions or I will find where u live and make u. Thanks!
Gotta take the head out the fridge or Anderson is gunna tell Lestrade and mol's gotta park the tardis in a better place it's blocking the taxis
Laters becca and mol out.

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