They're vintage

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Steve's POV:
"I mean if it's not too much trouble." Agent Coulson asked. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. The smaller man was stood next to me. He looked kind of awkward. His eyes had this little glint in them and the fiddled with his gold watch nervously. "No, no it's fine." I replied. After studying him for a few seconds his eyes lit up and he had this massive smile on his face. "It's a vintage set." Phil beamed turning his head to look at me. "It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges, but..." He got cut off from the doors opening and walked in another agent and Marie. She looked at me and smiled which I returned.

"We got a hit." The agent said. Him and agent Coulson talked for a moment whilst I walked over to Marie.
"How are you?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled again.
"I'm fine, how about yourself?" She questioned. In our mini convocation we handnt realised Nick walked in.
"Captain, you're up." He said in his monotone voice. But because I'd switched off I simply nodded and left, hoping to find out what they were on about from some one else. I walked into my locker room in silence and saw the cabinet containing my 'updated' uniform and my shield. Boy how I missed it.

(Meanwhile at a museum in Germany)
Loki's POV:
As I walked round the gala it makes me think of the many we had similar back on Asgard. 'I actually miss that place, even my stupid brother. And my sister.' I thought. But all that doesn't matter I'm here to rule these puny humans and show them what a good leader if. When i flipped my cane a guard noticed me and pulls out his gun. 'That won't stop me mortal' I chuckled to my self. He went to shoot me so I smashed his head with my cane. By this time the whole museum was already in chaos and people were scurrying left, right and centre like little ants.

I made my way to the head doctor and dropped him with enough force ,to possibly break a rib, onto a marble stature. He was squirming under my grip, which made me smile. Taking out the device Barton gave me, I plunged it into his eye and he twisted and wriggled in pain. Once it was on there for about 2-3 minutes I let go and dropped him to the floor. 'Mortals never fail to amuse me' I thought as I walked out of the museum.

Outside was total panic. My golden armor appears and so does my helmet with the horns. "Kneel before me!" I shouted over the roar from the crowd. They ignored me so I thought it was time for some fun. Another Loki appeared at the opposite of the huddle from me causing those people to scream. One more appeared, then another and another until there was no space for them to get as I was there. "I said kneel!" I roared then smiled wide once they all did. 'Perfect'

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjection. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for indentity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will alway kneel." I smiled satisfied that it would sink in. But no... A foolish mortal man stands up.
"Not to men like you." Smiling I role my eyes.
"There are no men like me." hoping he would shut up and kneel I went to turn.
"There are always men like you." he replied. 'Oh that's it'
"Look to your elder people. Let him be an example." my scepter glowed ready to kill him but I was rudely interrupted.

Tony's POV:
I look over the scene of my Steve standing up to Loki. 'He so brave and always looks good doing it, how?' Looking over the whole thing I see the QUINJET fly over and point the machine gun at Loki the stupid God of mischief.
"Loki drop the weapon and stand down." Natasha says calmly. That didn't get a good reaction to be honest before the words finished he had already shot a bright blue bolt of light towards the jet. Nat moves quickly to avoid it. 'Wow talk about reflexes'

Once I look back towards my boyfriend I find him and Loki battling it out. Steve gets flipped by Loki but throws his shield at him. Nut that bastard just swats it like a fly. The look of disappointment on my baby's face was saddening. He gets up and starts using his wonderful boxer moves and Loki knocks him down again. 'That's it your dead' I think.' The God stands overs Steve and simply says "kneel." then smiles.
"Not today." Steve replies and does this cool thing with his leg and Knocks him over. This made me smile, but that was soon gone as Loki grabbed and flipped him again.

Time for my action. I smirk and blast AC/DC 'shoot to thrill' in the QUINJET's speakers. "Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?" I could practically hear her eyes roll but I didn't care. As I looked down both Steve and Loki were looking into the sky. I flew over in my suit and shit Loki knocking him to the ground. 'That's what you get you prick' once I touched down I assembled all the weapons my suit had and aimed them all at Loki. "Make your move." I smirk "reindeer games."

The God's armour disappears and he puts his hands in the air to surrender. He looked defeated but as if he was planning his next move or get away. But I just brushed it off. "Good move." I stated. Steve looked towards me with a slight blush.
"Mr stark." My suited body turned towards him.

Me and Steve watched from the corner of the jet. Nat was talking to Fury through the head set and watching the sky's which rattled with random thunder which looked like it came from no where. Random. I looked over to Steve, he looked shaken. "I don't like it." he stated.
"What rock of ages giving up so easily?" I asked sarcastic as ever. Steve looked at me with a glare, after a second he blinked. " I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a Wallop." he shakes his head.
"Still." I look over his face drinking in his expression (yes that's an expression, well I use it anyway XD/ WHY DO YOU ALWAYS USE WEIRD PHRASES) "Your pretty spry for an older fellow. What's your thing, Pilates?" I smirked and kissed his cheek.
"What?" Cap questioned confusion plastered on his face as if it was a mask. This made me smile and I kissed him again this time on the lips. Gentle and sweet. "It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a capsicle." I chuckled softly but Steve just stared into my eyes.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in for this bit." Steve stated a look of concern covered the confusion. He placed his gentle hand on my face. I leaned into it slightly. "Yeah there's lots of things fury doesn't tell you." A huge clap of thunder sounds followed by a massive fork of lightening which almost hit the jet. This pulls me and Steve out of our little embrace. "Where's this coming from?" Nat questions confused written on her face. The thunder rumbles again and Loki looks out the window looking kind of scared. I was putting the words together in my head to insult him in some way but Steve kind of beat me to it.

"What's the matter?" He smirks "Scared of a little lightning?" However Loki didn't take his eyes away from the window like I thought her just simply said "I'm not overly fond of what follows." 'WTF IS THAT MENT TO MEAN!' Just after, maybe a second or two, a blinding light hits the QUINJET. Wait it's not a light.

Suddenly the ramp is opened and a weird dressed man thing comes in and grabs Loki by the throat the just leaves. Me and Steve look at each other in shock 'WTAF!' "Now there's that guy?" I question.
"Another asgardian?" Nat asks. 'I'm guessing he's another God. Ugh I'm so done with them.'
"Think the guys friendly?" Steve questions. He's so cute when he asks stupid questions. I frown slightly.
"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him the tesseract's lost." Putting in my suit I get ready to jump out the jet ready to catch the God person thing. "Stark." Steve warns "We need a plan of attack." that's my boyfriend, always worrying.
"I have a plan, attack." I state with a smirk he wouldn't have saw and jumped out.

Looking back I see Steve grab a parachute. I can hear him and Nat talking. "I'd sit this one out." Nat says.
"I don't see how I can." he replies.
"These guys come from legend, there basically gods."
"There's only one God ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Steve's last comment was a little cocky coming from him but it made me smile. That's my Steve. With that I chased in hit per-suit of the two gods.

Yo guys, becca here. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is one of my favourite parts in the film :P. What's your favourite part? Let me know! I'm interested. This one of anyone else's fave films? I hope you've all had a great week and I'll see you next week with the next chapter (hopefully) btw mol u can write at least a little next time.
Pssh leaving me to it all :'(
Later guys!!!!!

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