The ant and the boot

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Loki's POV:
After my brothers episode in the middle of that mountain, I was being escorted by multiple midgardians past a lab, of some sorts. Of course I was smiling as i always was in this type of situation. Ugh these hand cuffs were kinda tight. As we walked past this lab I looked inside to find a man working on my scepter. In the corner of the room my sister Elizabeth was lied down in a state of unconscious, surrounded by the mortals who captured me in Germany. That metal man, what was his name?, Tony, was stood with the outdated captain. They were holding hands, how cute. A girl was crouched down next to my sister. She is the metal mans sister I believe. However the man working on my scepter stopped when i smiled. He just rubbed his face. How rude. Of course I just smirked at him and we continued our walk to what I assumed was my cell. This should be fun.

I was now free from my bonds and in a glass container. It was large enough but eh could be bigger, after all I am a god.
A man walks into the room and walks up to a panel. He threatens me but I wasn't really paying attention. Something about scratching the glass. The man pushes a button and a huge hole opens up (that's what she said) underneath me. Straining forward I can only see a little but it appears to be a massive drop. The sound of wind gushing would be enough to scare a mortal scene less. Not me though I have to admit it's a little unnerving.

He closes the hatch and starts saying how deep it is as if I care. Then he points at me "ant," he speaks in his low voice, then at the button. "Boot." This just makes me smirk.
"It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think for me." the smirk never left my face.

Marie's POV:
I was crouched next to Elizabeth whilst Banner and the others were watching the screen with Loki on it. Liz was unconscious due to hitting her head on the rock. Banner had told me to keep slight pressure on it just incase the wound should bleed again. Just as I happened to look at the monitor, Loki was staring into it. Man it gave me the chills. His piercing blue burning a whole in my skull. "Built for something a lot stronger than you." fury stated. With that Loki smirked and simply said "oh, I've heard."

Banner was watching the screen with such concentration it scared me. Fury and Loki continued to talk but I was distracted as Liz had started to stir. "Can you hear me Liz?" No reply. So I shook her slightly and her eyes snapped, she folded forward in the blink of an eye and let out a cry, holding her head. 'Hmm.' Banner didn't turn and just watched the monitor still, Thor rushed over to us and was saying something in a language I couldn't understand, Steve looked over with a worried face and Tony just looked shocked. I decided it be best to leave the siblings alone so walked over to my brother and his lover.

"Is she okay?" Steve questioned. Tony had laced his fingers in Steve's and was on his tiptoes to whisper in his ear something I couldn't hear. "She seems to be fine just a head wound." I sighed.
"Thanks captain obvious." Tony smirked and mocked saluted. So I just glared and he still smirked. Steve wrapped Tony into a hug and put his lips to his ear. "Now Tony no need to be so sarcastic." He laughed a little at the end.
"What ever capsicle."

"Really grows on you doesn't he?" Banner asked, looking a little uneasy. At this point Nat had walked in and was standing near the monitor that I had just realised had no picture on it. After this I just zoned out. I was thinking about what Loki was going to do next. Maybe send some alien space army and like invade or something. No don't be silly Marie as if. However I was brought from my daze when I heard Steve say "an army? From outer space?"
Wow guess it's not that silly after all. The conversation then went on about some sort of portal but I wasn't paying attention because I was looking, well more like staring at Liz. She was pale and it scared me.

"He killed eight people in two days." Natasha stated. She was looking at Thor and Liz.
"He's adopted." Thor replied. Tony then started on about some thing to do with the portal and he was still sarcastic so once again I zoned out not really interested.

Tony's POV:
Me and banner were messing around in the lab. Looking at the gamma radiation that's involved with Lokis scepter. My fabulous boyfriend walked through the door. Just as I was about to great him I saw his face. It wasn't his normal kissable face, no it looked like a wet weekend. 'Oh boy what have I done this time?' I sighed. Maybe it was the fact I just poked banner with my probe? No probably not. "Nothing?" I asked, wondering if the prod would turn him green.

"Hey! Are you nuts?" Steve questioned in a serious tone that made me want to cower. Instead I sucked it up put on a smirk and decided to be sassy. "You really got a lid on it havnt you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz? Bongo drums? Huge bag of weed?" (Really Tony, if he had weed I'm sure ud know XD) Steve's face tired to stone in a scowl.
"Is every thing a joke to you?" His eyes drilling a hole in my skull. Here we go another famous Steve V Tony fight.
" funny things are" I smirked. The Capsicle rolled his eyes and then glared even stronger than before. I squirmed a little.
"Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny. No offence doctor" wow even when he's angry he's still polite and cute.
I was forming the words to say when banner kinda butted in "no it's alright. I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things." He gave a weird kind of sympathetic smile.
"Your tiptoeing big man you need to strut" I stated.
"And you need to focus on the problem Mr stark." His face twisted into a hard expression. *shivers*
He pulled the Mr stark card hmm? Nah ah not havin that. I started rambling on about how fury was hiding things and Steve's face loosed and a look of confusion replaces the hardness (no innuendo intended)

After I explained he calmed down and all three of us started talking about my tower. Steve called it ugly! So I slapped him round the head and pouted. But we got into a rather weird subject that showed I was kind of doing something I shouldn't.
"I mean what are they doing in the energy business in the first place?" Banner questioned.
"I should probably look into it once my decryption programmer finished breaking into all of SHIELDS secure files." I immediately regretted it. The look on Steve's face was horrible so I just hugged him. Hoping not to see it any more.
"I'm sorry did you just say?"nah is eyes wide and mouth open a little in shock.
"JARVIS has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours we'll know every dirty secret SHIELD has ever tried to hide." I smirked "blueberry?" I asked holding out the bag I was eating from. Steve's turn to be sassy, which to be honest is just adorable.
"Yet your confused about why they didn't want you around?" Ah there it was old school sass, I admit he needs work but soon he'll be as good as me. After this Marie walked in and had a huge smirk on her face. I glared at her.
Steve then went on about Loki and following rules. "Following is not really my style" I stated.
He smirked is cute smirk then said "and your all about style aren't you?" Him and Marie burst out laughing. Damn beat me at my own game. Now he's pushed it, hit my nerve. "Of all people in this room which one is; a) wearing a spangly outfit and b) not of use?" With this I stormed out leaving Marie rolling in the floor laughing, Banner confused as fuck and Steve with an ugly smirk plastered on his kissable face.

Hey humans, it's becca. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapters our drama llama one. Hope you look forward to it. Plus mol's writing it so obviously your gunna enjoy it. So question time. Who's your favourite ship from avengers? As you can tell mines stony but tbh thorki is close second. LET ME KNOW I NEED TO KNIW THIS STUFF!!! Do u want anymore ships in this? ;) LET MEH KNOW! On another note. How's your week agoin.? Enjoying the weather?
Oh and avengers and stuff. Mol would kill me if I did t ask any whovians? (Can't spell :0)
Okay becca out :D

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