The interrogation

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Natasha's POV:
"Well I used some special technology that S.H.I.E.L.D is developing, it allows my clothes to stick to surfaces. It makes it easier to climb up buildings." I replied, folding my arms and smirking. They all stared at me with shock.
"S.H.I.E.L.D can make stuff like that!" Steve said, bewildered. It's funny that Steve still isn't used to the new world and all the technology. I nodded at him and he raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Tony just smiled and slung his arm around Steve's shoulders. I smiled at those two. I know they want to keep it secret, but being a professional spy and interrogator, it wasn't hard for me to figure out. Plus, they make it really obvious.
"So what are we gonna do with her?" Tony's sister asked. We all crowded around the girl as she struggled to escape the bindings. 'Good luck with that' I thought. She looked up at all of us, eyes filled with hatred.
"Midgardians, you shall release me at once before you regret it!" She screamed, shaking the chair from side to side.
"Oh yea? What are you gonna do about it?" Tony cockily asked. Steve sighed.
"Listen, I'm sorry. But we need to talk to you, and you don't seem too co-operative at the moment." Steve said, taking a step towards the girl. She narrowed her eyes at him.
"What is it that you need to know?" She asked, leaning forward as much as she could in the chair. Coulson stepped forward to join Steve.
"If you would just like to come with us and answer our questions, I promise we'll let you go."
"I think I would rather stay where I am thank you." She replied, leaning back into the chair. I looked over at Fury and saw that he was about to protest so I intervened.
"That alright. I can work with this." I found a nearby chair and placed it in front of her. "Hello. My name is Natasha." I began. "Who are you?" She hesitated for a few moments before taking a breath and answering.
"I am Elizabeth Odinson, Princess of Asgard and Goddess of the elements." I heard muffled laughter behind me, so I turned around and saw that Tony and Marie has their hands over their mouths trying not to burst out in a giggling fit. I turned back to see that Elizabeth was giving them a death stare. That seemed to shut them up.
"Asgard?" I heard Coulson ask from behind me. "That sounds familiar..." He trailed off, deep in thought.
"You must be talking about my brother, Thor. He was banished here four months ago. You may remember 'the destroyer'?" Everyone's eyes went wide, including mine.
"Your Thor's sister?" Fury asked.
"Yes, I doubt you know much about him. He isn't one for small talk." She replied.
"Ok, moving on. How did you get here?" I questioned.
"Since the Bifrost was destroyed, my father had to use a powerful magic even I'm not familiar with. And before you ask, the Bifrost is what used to allow us to travel between realms." Elizabeth shifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable. I pondered on what question to ask next.
"Why are you here?"
"It's a long story."
"We have time." Fury intervened. Elizabeth sighed and hung her head for a few moments before answering.
"A long time ago when Asgard and Jotunheim were at war my father, Odin, found a child. A frost giant baby. It was small, and most likely would have been outcasted when it reached adulthood if it stayed that way. No one knows what came over him, but instead of leaving or killing it, Odin took him home. It turns out that not only was that baby the prince of Jotunheim, but that baby was also Loki. My father and Laufey, the king of Jotunheim, formed a... Pact, I suppose. Loki was used as a symbol of peace, however he never knew. That was, until recently." She paused for a moment, taking this time to look out into the sky wistfully, her eyes filled with sadness. "When Thor was banished to earth, my father fell into Odinsleep, causing Loki to become the king of Asgard. During that time, he changed. He became bitter, evil. I don't know what happened, but I suspect that it was because he found out that he was Laufey's son. He invited the Frost Giants over to Asgard to kill Odin, and in return they will go in peace. However, when Laufey was about to kill Odin, Loki killed him. Or at least he thought he did. It seemed that the magic Loki used didn't kill him, but instead put him into some sort of deep sleep. Loki wanted to destroy Jotunheim to appear as the hero. He sent the destroyer to kill Thor, as you already know. Somehow, Thor came back to Asgard, and confronted Loki, who was planning to use the Bifrost to destroy Jötunheim. In order to stop him, Thor had to destroy the Bifrost. During this process, Loki and Thor fell off the side and almost fell into the void below. Luckily, Odin had woken up and was there to catch them. Thor was holding onto Odin, and Loki onto Thor. I was on the bridge too, trying to pull them up. I remember the look on Loki's face when he let go, plummeting into the abyss below." Her head was handing low, eyes shut tight. Everyone around her was quiet, a look of sadness of their faces. Even Fury's eyes failed to hide their emotion. "Just before I came here, me, Thor, and many others were attending a royal feast. However, we were unfortunately attacked by the Frost Giants, who wanted to kill me as revenge for Loki's death. So, in order for me to be safe, father used powerful magic to send me here. And that, Midgardians, is why I am here." She looked up at all of us, her face filled with sorrow. A few short moments of silence passed, before an obnoxious voice sounded. 'For God sake' I thought.
"Wow must have taken you a long time to perfect that soppy story, what ever your name was, Elizabeth?" Tony laughed meanly.
"I don't understand." Elizabeth said, cocking her head to one side.
"Bitch pu-lease, do you really expect us to believe that? Your probably some sort of lab experiment gone wrong. Listen sweetheart, we're not a charity. We're not going to take you in just because you're a little special. So how about we give you a lift back to whatever lab you came from and leave us alone, kay?"
"TONY!" Both Marie and Steve yelled at the same time. Steve hit him over the head and Marie punched him in the stomach. With a straight face I got up and turned towards Fury and Coulson.
"Sir, we need a plan. What are going to do with her?" I asked. Fury and Coulson both turned away from me, muttering something I couldn't hear. Turning back to the fight, I saw that Elizabeth had become angry again, and Tony was smirking annoyingly. Steve and Marie were shaking their heads in disapproval, desperately trying to get Tony to shut up. I heard Fury cough behind me.
"Agent Romanoff, we have come to a decision." I nodded, and stepped aside to let them through. "Elizabeth." Their fighting ceased instantly, all eyes on Fury.

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