Is it over yet or what?

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Natasha's POV:
Doctor Selvig was typing away at a laptop, while I picked up Loki's sceptre. I slowly pushed it into the force field, with the tip almost touching the tesseract. "I can close it!" I yelled over the coms. "Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!"
"Do it!" Cap shouted back. I was about to close the portal when Tony's voice came over the coms.
"No, wait!"
"Stark these things are still coming!" Steve told him.
"I got a nuke coming in," what? How did Fury let that happen? "It's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it." I keep the Sceptre close to the tesseract, awaiting orders.
"Tony, if your thinking what I think your thinking, you better stop thinking it!" Marie scolded.
"Sorry M, but I gotta do what I gotta do." Oh Tony, what are you doing?

Tony's POV:
I see the missile up ahead and catch up with it, coming up from behind it. I grab it from underneath and grip it tightly. With a lot of power, I wrench the missile off its course and start to steer it towards the portal.
"Tony, your not going to have enough power to get all the way up there." I hear Elizabeth's voice sound in my helmet.
"Don't you dare help me Liz, I can make it." I hear her sigh.
"No you can't. I'm helping whether you like it or not." I see Liz's body start to fly towards me.
"No, not you too Liz, please don't do it!" Marie yells, her voice cracking.
"You two know that's a one way trip?" Steve asks. Neither one of us answers, too afraid to make it final. I'll miss you Steve.
"Save the rest for the return, J." I say to JARVIS. Elizabeth caught up with me, grabbing the other side of the rocket, giving me a solemn nod which I returned.
"Sir. Do you wish to have a private call with Mr. Rogers?" I think for a moment. I don't think I can bring myself to do it.
"I'm good JARVIS. Thanks." Me and Elizabeth flew closer to the portal, and I became more and more scared. I was able to see the mother ship from below, which sent a shiver threw my body.
"You ready?" Elizabeth looks over at me, waiting for a response. I let out a shaky sigh.
"As I'll ever be." I let one hand go of the rocket and grab Liz's. We flew into the portal, and then we were in space. The communications die out, and my suit begins to freeze. I looked up, and horror covered my face. There was a whole armada. There must be at least 90 ships in a vague cluster floating in the blackness. I started running out of air and began choking. I wasn't going to make it. I turn my head towards Liz and see frost starting to cover her body. She looked over and gave a reassuring smile. Then she pushed me back towards the portal, forcing me to let go of the rocket. I try to cry out to her but I couldn't breathe. Blackness started to surround my vision, but before I blacked out I saw Elizabeth fly forward and let the missile fly into the mother ship, causing the whole armada to explode. Then my vision went black.

Steves POV:
Cmon guys, come back, please. As soon as the two flew through the portal the communications shut off, which made Marie start screaming at the sky for them to come back. I watched the love of my life fly to his death and I didn't even say anything. I watched the portal start to explode.
"Come on, Stark..." I hear Natasha mutter. Me and Thor look up again to see the explosion coming towards us. Thor looked at me sadly and nodded.
"Close it." I told Natasha. I watched the beam of energy turn off, and the portal quickly began to close. But, just before it closes completely, two figures fall through and begin plummeting to the Earth. The portal shut just after they fell through. It was Tony and Liz!
"Holy crap! It's them!" Marie screamed and started fist pumping the air. I smiled.
"Sun of a gun!" The two kept on falling.
"They're not slowing down." Thor stated, swinging Mjölnir around, preparing to fly up and catch them. Just as Thor flies up, the hulk grabs the two out of the air and slides down a building onto the ground. The hulk put them down on the ground, and me and Thor ran over. Thor ripped off Tony's helmet and knelt beside Elizabeth. Marie sprinted over and fell the floor beside them both with watery eyes. They're dead. Suddenly, the hulk roared. Both Tony and Elizabeth jolt awake.
"For the love of Odin! What in Hades was that?" Elizabeth exclaimed. Marie laughed and pulled her into a hug. "Oh, ok." Thor then grabbed both of the girls and hugged them both. "Woah, watch your strength Thor!" He just laughed and let them both go.
"What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody just kissed me?" I chuckled.
"No, but you will be." I grabbed Tony's helmet and pulled him for a passionate kissed. After a few moments, I heard claps and whistling. I pushed Tony back to see Natasha clapping and smirking, while Barton was whistling and winked at me. "We won." I told Tony. He fist bumped the air and fell back on his back.
"Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys, let's just not come in Tomorrow. Let's just take s day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it." Elizabeth looked up at the tower.
"We're not finished yet." I pulled Tony to his feet and we all turned to the tower.
"And then shawarma after?" Marie suggested.
"Sure." I smiled at her and she smiled back. We all make our way up to Loki, laughing and joking. When we reached the floor, Loki was just beginning to wake up. We all walked up behind him and got into position. He crawled onto the stair, looking like a rag doll. He turns around and sees us all, with one of Bartons arrows pointing to his head.
"If it's all the same to you. I'll have that that drink."

A few weeks later (please imagine this in the spongebob time-narrator voice)

Marie's POV:
We all meet Thor and Loki in Central Park to say bye to them. Loki is handcuffed and muzzled. He looks stupid. Thor comes over and shakes our hands, and then gives Liz a bear hug.
"I'm afraid it's still too dangerous for you to return home. But I swear on Odin's beard, I will return. Those Frost Giants will pay." Thor said to her. Liz smiled.
"I will be waiting. And when the day comes, you know where to find me." Bruce and Tony put the tesseract in a glass tube and give it to Thor. He grabs one end while Loki grabs the other.
"Goodbye my friends. May we meet again." And which that, an energy beam spears and takes the Asgardians away. Then we all start to split away. Nat and Clint get into their SHIELD cars and dive away. Bruce gets into Tony's sports car, while Steve refuses to ride in it and gets on his motorcycle.
"You two better be back by 9 of I'll kick your ass!" Tony yelled from the drivers side of his car.
"You got it T-bag!" I yell back. Tony looks at me with an extremely confused face with Liz bursts out laughing.
"T-bag? What the hell kind of a name is that?"
"Alright! I won't use it again, geez." Tony just rolled his eyes and sped away, leaving just me and Liz. "So, bad boy, whatcha gonna do?"
"Huh?" Liz tilts her head in confusion. I take this golden opportunity to burst out into song.
"Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?" I start dancing to my singing, but Liz then pushes me over.
"Please stop, that's embarrassing." She crosses her arms.
"Heh, alright." I chuckle, getting back onto me feet.
"Cmon, I saw this really cool mall a few miles away. Let's hail a cap, can't be bothered to fly." She told me.
"Don't worry, I got this." I walk to the side of the road, Liz following with a concerned look. I cupped my hands to my mouth and yelled- "FREE CHIMICHANGAS!" After a few moments, a taxi came speeding round a corner and stopped right in front of me. Then the window opened and Deadpool's head poked out.
"WHERE? Oh, it's just you. What do you want?"
"Need a ride Wade, let us in." I told him.
"Hold on, I need to speak with my lawyer." His head went back into the taxi and he started talking with somebody inside.
"Uh, who's that?" Liz asked from behind me.
"Oh him? Just a guy I met. He's pretty cool."
"Right, what's with all the red though?"
"It's so bad guys can't see me bleed." Wade said suddenly. Making me jump. "Now hop in guys, the writer wants to get this over with so she can sleep!" We both climbed into the back of the taxi.
"Should I be concerned?" Liz asked. I shook my head.
"Nah, Wades fine! Most of the time." I said, mumbling the last part.
"Step on it Dopinder!" Wade yelled, pointing forward.
"Yes Mr. Pool." The taxi driver replied, driving away from Central Park into the rebuilt streets of New York.

Ps the story's not over.

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