The wedding

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(Btdubs the wedding is after the winter soldier)
Tony's POV:
Rhodey walked into the room carrying five different coloured ties. I looked at him in the reflection of the mirror I was to staring into, then looked back at myself. Am I ready for this? My knees felt weak and my palms were sweaty. Something about spaghetti...
"Hey Tony, looking sharp. I have your ties, personally I would choose the blue tie but I think you suit red."
"Actually I think you would look better in gold. Suits your ego." Marie piped up from the back. Rhodey chuckled at Marie's remark, but I stayed silent. I didn't have time to be snarky back because in a short while I'd be marrying the best man in the world. After her comment Marie went back to reading the wedding schedule. She'd looked at it at least 20 times already.
"Man, I didn't know Thor could plan wedding this well. It's a damn good schedule. Actually now I think of it Liz said he'd done it before." She looked up briefly and caught my eye in the mirror. "Your lucky bro, you got the best of the best. Who else can say a God planned their wedding? Not that many people anyway." She smiled at me so I returned the gesture. Rhodey handed me my tie, the golden one, and I started to put it on. Man I had no clue if I was ready for this. I got lost in my thoughts staring at myself and accidentally knotted the tie. I growled and tried to undo the knot, but I just made it worse. Rhodey sighed and walked in front of me and took my tie in his hands. He undid the knot and tied it properly, leaving It a little loose. I mumbled a thanks as I looked down and tightened my tie. Rhodey put a hand on my shoulder.
"What's up man? This is a big day, you should be excited!" Rhodey exclaimed.
"Chill Rhodes, Tony's just nervous." Marie teased.
"Ah. Wedding butterflies." Rhodey smirked. Before I could say anything back to him, the door to my dressing room opened.
"It's time." Elizabeth told us, her head poking from behind the door, a huge grin on her face. Rhodey patted my back.
"Let's go hot shot."

Steve's POV:
I scanned the room, looking at all the guests that attended. Fury and Coulson were sat next to each other almost at the back talking to each other. They look happy which was nice. Liz was sat with lady sif and the  Warriors three (Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg) at the front few pews and they were talking. Everyone was talking come to think of it. Nat and clint were flirting a little in the middle and it was cute to see. Loki was at the back, sulking. He had on his muzzle and cuffs but he was still in a suit. Agent Hill was guarding him but sat at a pew in front. Bruce was sat in the middle right of the pews, doing something on his phone. I look to my left and see my best man and my groomsman, Bucky and Sam. It took some time but with the help of SHEILD we got Bucky's memories back, and now he's back to his old self. Sam stood behind him, smirking at me. Thor was standing to my right, at the alter getting things ready for when Tony came down the isle.
I was about to say something to Bucky when the music started playing. We chose to have a piano version of 'more than a feeling' by Boston because neither of us were the brides so it didn't make sense to play that. I was so nervous and when Rhodey came down the isle throwing the red flower petals the part of me that was in denial finally believed it. I, Steve Rogers, was marrying Tony, the man of my dreams. Rhodey was halfway down the isle when the door opened a second time and out walked Marie and Tony. Their arms were linked and their steps were synchronised. Marie looked stunning in her red dress, it was knee length and it suited her figure nicely. Her lips were red and her hair was done in a complicated braid that looked very nice. Then I saw Tony. The sight of him made me want to cry, he looked so handsome. The red suit he was wearing hugged his body just right and the colour looked perfect on him.
I looked at Bucky who was smiling at me. He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled back at him. I stood up straight and held my hands clasped in front of me. For the first time in almost forever Tony looked shy and innocent. It was so cute. They walked slowly towards the front and Coulson was almost crying. Bruce had put away his phone and even Loki looked intrigued at the scene. It took a minute or two for them to reach the front. Once they arrived Marie kissed her brother on the cheek and walked to the side, clasping her hands I front of her.
I looked at Tony and he smiled sheepishly. I was about to say something when Thor cleared his throat. Tony and I looked at each other then turned to face the front.
'We're gathered here to day, to join this man and this man.' He pointed to me then to Tony 'in a sacred bond you midguardians call marriage.' He cleared his throat and looked out to our friends in the pews.
'The fountains mingle with the rivers, And the rivers with the oceans, The winds of heaven mix forever, With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by law divine In one spirit meet and mingle.
See the mountains kiss high heaven And the waves clasp one another; No sister-flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother, And the sunlight clasps the earth And the moonbeams kiss the sea. Now the vows.'
Me and Tony faced each other as Marie brought a table between us. On the table was two red candles and two gold cups.
We nodded to each other and spoke at the same time.
'With this hand I'll lift your sorrows' we both held up our left hands, mirroring each other 'your cup will never be empty for I will be your wine' we lifted up the cups and and placed them back on the velvet table cloth. Then Tony lit the candle and lit mine as well. 'With this candle I will light your way into darkness.'
Tony's robot Dum-E came down the isle and presented us with rings. I picked up the ring and looked at the golden band, this was finally happening...
'And with this ring I ask you to be mine.' I smiled and I slid it on Tony's finger which he so elegantly held out for me. He smiled and picked up the silver ring mirroring my actions and words.
'Now Tony do you take this man, in sickness and in health, to be your lawfully wedded husband?' Thor's looked from me to Tony and smiled. Tony looked as if he may actually cry. It was so strange to see him this vulnerable.
'I-I do.' He managed to choke out laughing a little at the end. I smiled so wide that my jaw hurt. I looked up at Thor waiting for him to ask me.
'And Steve d-' Thor was cut off my the slamming of the church doors. Standing there was at least 10 frost Giants, eyes glowing bright. Steam was blowing from their nostrils like horses. They scanned the room and locked their eyes on Liz. She was sitting with her back to them but she looked scared.
'Elizabeth Odinson....' The frost giant bellowed 'your time has come.' He walked forward slowly, staring at the back of her head.
'Oh I don't think so.' She growled standing up, her hands setting on fire. Liz turned slowly looking the giant in the face. Her expression was hard but her eyes showed worry. The Giants laughed and surrounded the room. Their laugh was ominous and haunting like that of a horror movie.
Liz, with out warning, shot one of her fire bolts which fizzed and smoked the Giants flesh. It let out a scream but appeared to be over it pretty soon. Again they all laughed.
'AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!' Tony yelled and his suit flew through the open door.
'You planned for something like this?' I asked bewildered. I don't know why I'm surprised, this was so Tony.
'I just wanted to be sure you know?' Tony laughed and I joined in. This is why I love this man.
Suddenly the whole room was filled with action and it was like the day in New York all over agin. Tony handed me my shield, from where he got it I do not know. We looked at each other joined the already busy battle. It was quite amusing really. Almost everyone was in suits or dresses and the girls still managed to stay scary.
A frost giant headed towards me, long legs making it seem effortless. I readied my shield and landed a pitch to his gut which had no effect on him other then make him confused. Before I could land other attack I was went flying into the pews causing them to spread out and over turn. Just great. Marie and Thor spent ages on the decoration.
'Rogers those best not be my chairs your disturbing!' Marie shouted whilst freezing a frost giant. Her sword slashed through him and shattered him. I rolled to my feet and got up. Trust Marie.
'They're fine Marie. Just my face was injured.' That's when I heard Tony gasp.
'Not my babies face!' He shriek blasting a giant with he glove he rushed over to me and started to mess with my hair.
'Get a room!' Marie yelled, killing get another front giant. Me and Steve laughed slightly then turned back to the action, only to see the weirdest thing. Liz was stood there glaring at the leader, eyes dark and scary. They had apparently not done anything this whole time.

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