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Natasha POV
I watched over my crush. Ugh I don't want a crush! I'm an assassin, with a stone cold heart! Or so I thought. He just melts my heart a little. Why?! We had to strap him down and I felt so sorry for him. He was shaking, trying to get the mind control out if his head.
"Clint," I spoke his name softly. "You're gonna be alright." damn I wish I hadn't of said that. His head whipped around and he stared me in the eyes.
"You know that?" His voice was harsh yet soft and maybe scared? "Is that what you know? I got-" he paused for a second or two trying to find the words "I gotta go on though. I gotta flush him out." Now Clint looked like a scared, lost puppy. I know I shouldn't say this but I just wanted to hug him, stroke his hair and make him stop worrying, get that stupid God out his head. But I can't.

I sighed. "We don't have that long and it's gonna take time." I explained. Confusion took over his features and he just stared into space for a long moment.
"I don't understand." his voice soft and almost velvet. "Have you ever had some take your brain and play? Pull you out and send something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?" Clint looked so hurt, confused, scared and as if he couldn't decide if it was real or just a bad dream. But I know how he feels.
"You know that I do." I answered. The school I went to messes with you in that way (you'll understand if you've watched age of ultron. If not. WHY HAVNT YOU?!) another flicker of confusion ran over bartons features. It made him so adorable. *mentally slaps herself* stupid feelings get out! There's the door. (Becca starts singing 'go walk out the door, your not welcome anymore' threw out this chapter I recommend you do the same)
"why am I back?" He questioned. "How did you get him out?" I smiled.
"Cognitive recalibration." I smirked knowing he wouldn't know what that meant. Bartons blue eyes were clouded with confusion. "I hit you really hard in the head." this time it was clings turn to smile

I walked over to him, bent down and unfastened his restraints. My head was tilted so he couldn't see the smile I had there whilst I undid his hands. I enjoyed being this close *metal slap again* I'm a deadly assassin not a stupid romantic!
Whilst I was still busy releasing him, he asked:
"Tasha, how manny agents?" That voice broke my heart. So full of regret and pain.
"Don't. Don't do that to yourself, Clint." I felt like almost crying. Almost. "This is Loki. This is monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for." my voice shook a little as I think of my training.
"Loki... He got away?" He asked sounding so sad. I nodded my head sighing.
"Yeah. I don't suppose you know where?" Curiosity sparked inside me. Maybe Clint knew everything and could help us win! Wouldn't that be great? My Clint knowing how to solve this whole dilemma and wow he would look soo heroic doing it. *mental table flip* STOP THINKING THIS NATASHA! Sadly I was disappointed when these words left his plump lips.
"I didn't need to know. I didn't ask. He's gonna make his play soon though. Today." Great I thought.
"We gotta stop him." I though out loud.
"Yeah? Who's we?" I forgot he didn't know about the avengers properly yet.
"I don't know." I replied "Who ever's left." a ghostly smile spread across his face and he laughed. Only a little.
"Well, if I put an arrow in Lokis eye socket, I'd sleep better I suppose." And that's the Clint I knew.
"Now you sound like you." I smiles and sat down next to him only just realising I've been stood up the whole time.  His big blue eyes started holes into my skull.
"But you don't, you're a spy, not a soldier. Now you want to wade into a war. What did Loki do to you?" He couldn't know about mine and that serpents 'talk.'
"He didn't, I just," looking down I phased out.
"Natasha." his voice was low and soft. Like he were talking to a child.
"I've been compromised. I got red in my ledger. I'd like to wipe it out."

Hey humans becca here. Firstly I'd like to say sorry for it being late. I've been stuck with out wifi! I almost died. Secondly I'm sorry it's so short and only one persons POV, also just one small bit of the actual film. But I felt I had to put it in as it was just so cute. GO CLINTASHA! Any way molly didn't put it in so I did.
I finally saw the trailer for Sherlock series 4. I've never been so happy. But it's not coming out till 2016. Which is terrible! But because in so excited for it in all my school work in writing 2016?!
How are all u lovely people? Had a good week? Mines been great!
I'm gunna let u go. Laters
Becca out. I'm off to c ryuk
Edited- oh Becca of the past if only you knew. Sherlock isnt coming out till 2017! BBC says soonish.... Don't cry! Laters
Edited again- yo it's Molly . Becca you suck at editing. Leave it to me. Peace out ✌️

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