Wanna drink?

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Fury's POV:
I was standing by the control panels looking out the window of the ship, contemplating our next move against Loki. I felt someone walk up behind me.
"Sir." Agent Hill said.
"Agent hill?"
"Those cards, they were in Coulson's locker, not in his jacket." I sighed.
"They needed the push." I heard a loud noise, and looked outside to see Stark flying off in his suit as well as one of the quinjets.
"They found it. Get our communications back up, whatever you have to do. I want eyes on everything."
"Yes sir." God help us all.

Tony's POV:
I arrived at my beautiful masterpiece where Selvig was activating a device that was holding the tesseract.
"Sir, I took off the arc reactor. The device is already self-sustained." JARVIS told me. I flew over to the Doc.
"Shut it down, Dr. Selvig."
"It's too late! It can't stop now. He wants to show us something! A new universe." Ok, he's bat-shit crazy. Selvig's hair was was messed up, his clothes were dirty. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, and he had the same freaky blue eyes as bird-man.
"Okay." I aimed my hands towards the machine and fired. The energy from my boosters hit a force field around it and created an explosion that sent me and Doc flying. After I regained balance, I stared at the machine in disbelief to find it unharmed.
"The barrier is pure energy. It's unbreachable. The mark 7 is not ready to be deployed."
"Skip the spinning rims were on the clock." I told JARVIS. I landed and took my suit off; well, my awesome robots took it off for me. Liz and Marie land next to me.
"We're you piggybacking on Liz?" I asked Marie, my eyebrow raised.
"I'm not ashamed." She answered, crossing her arms and smirking at me. "Your just jelly." I rolled my eyes and joined Liz in the penthouse, seeing Loki walk in from the balcony.
"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." Loki grinned like a mad man.
"Uh... Actually, I'm planning to threaten you." I poured my self a glass of whisky, which only got snatched out of my hands by Marie. I glared at her.
"You should have left your armour on for that."
"Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage." I answered, once again pouring some whisky. "You've got the blue stick of destiny." Liz and Marie giggled at this. "Would you like a drink?"
"I would!" Marie yelled out.
"You've already got one!"
"But I want another!" She whined.
"I would like one." Liz said. I handed her a drink and she nodded in thanks before downing half the thing in one gulp.
"How'd she get one?!" Marie complained,
"She's a god. She can handle it, your weak." Marie just huffed in response and went silent.
"Are you done? Stalling me won't change anything." Loki interrupted.
"No, no, no! Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one. Liz you want another?" Liz nodded and I handed her another glass.
"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?"
"The Avengers." Liz answered, stepping closer to Loki.
"It's what we call ourselves, sort of a team. 'Earths mightiest heroes' type of thing." Marie answered, twirling around an empty glass as she walked to the bar to re-fill it.
"Yes, I've met them." Loki smirked.
"Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one." I said, taking another sip of my drink. "But, let's do a head count here. Your brother, the demi-God; your sister, goddess of the elements; a super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to legend; my sister, the most sarcastic second smartest person I've ever known; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella, you've managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan." God his smile gave me the creeps.
"Not a great plan. When they come..." I paused for dramatic affect "and they will, they'll come for you." As I was talking I felt Marie put my colanotte bracelets on my wrists under the bar.
"I have an army."
"We have a hulk!" Marie sassed, snapping her fingers and pouting. God is she serious? A trout pout at a time like this? Ugh.
"I thought the beast had wandered off." I heard Liz growl at the name Loki gave Banner.
"Your missing the point. There's no throne, (only the iron throne but it already has like 7 people fighting over it) there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it." Wow. I sounded awesome just now. Loki walked towards me, raising his sceptre. I held my hands out behind me to stop the girls from doing anything.
"How will your friends have time for me, when they're too busy fighting you?" Me tapped me on the chest, making a light ping.
"It should work." Loki said, confused. A look of disbelief on his face. Ehehehe serves him right. I ain't no puppet.
"Well, performance issues. You know?" Loki got really angry and grabbed my throat, throwing me across the room. "JARVIS, anytime now!"
"TONY!" Liz and Marie yelled in unison as Loki grabbed my throat again.
"You will all fall before me." Loki growled demonicly. He threw me out the window, earning a few screams from Marie and Liz. I freefalled down the tower, begging for Mark 7 to hurry the fuck up and save me. As I got closer to the ground I heard something flying behind me, thank god. But it wasn't my suit. Just before I hit the ground, Liz grabbed onto my foot and started pulling me back up.
"I think you may need to work on your metal suit some more metal man." Liz smirked down at me.
"Yeah, but I'd like to be the right way up first!" I yelled back up, blood rushing to my head which caused me to become incredibly dizzy. When we got back to the penthouse, Liz set me down and walked up to Loki, hands on fire. I got up and staggered towards Marie.
"And there is one other man you managed to piss off." Oh damn I got Liz to say piss off! "His name was Phil." She whispered. Loki gulped, then Liz sent a huge fireball towards him, sending him on his ass.
"C'mon guys, we gotta go get back to the others." Marie said. I was about to agree with her, when suddenly I had the air knocked out of me and flew across the room.
"Took you long enough." I mumbled as Mark 7 assembled around me. "Alright girls. Let's go."

Hi guys!!!!!! It's Molly, and I'm very sorry for not updating last week, but I had stuff, like my Pinterest breaking and Supernatural binging and EGX, which was AWESOME!!! For some reason Assassins Creed Syndicate was in an over 18 section so I didn't get to see it 😭😭😭 butt I did get a limited edition Syndicate T-shirt. Only 400 were made and you can only get them at EGX!! Anyway I'm gonna go watch YouTube, bye sweeties! 💋
Edited- Molly how old are you? Butt- really? Also peeps I made this chapter and a few others slightly longer just cuz they were bugging me how short they were. However it's not a major amount longer. Maybe just a few sentences or a paragraph or two. Becca out.
Edited again- I'm 102 years old, and no one is too old for Buttz. Also I just had to edit your new paragraph because your punctuation and grammar is terrible. Srsly. Peace ✌️

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