The proposal

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Tony's POV
We were all at the shawarma place again and we were all having a nice time. A real nice time. The food was good, the conversation was good everything was good. Apart from the butterflies in my stomach. Why butterflies? You may ask, well I'm about to propose to my boyfriend. That's right. I, Tony Stark, am going to ask my capsicle to marry me... And I'm nervous as heck. Now... I don't normally get nervous but that's Steve for you. He makes me weak at the knees and I love him... Yeah, yeah, yeah i know it's soppy but that's his fault also.  I look at him and my heart just melts. His hair is just so perfect and golden. His eyes are bright and stunning and I love them. I love him. I, Tony stark, will ask this super perfect man to marry me. So why butterflies? It's because I love him too much.

I don't think anyone has noticed my nervousness which is good beucase I dont want them to think me a nervous person. I'm not... Usually. It's all Steve's fault. He makes me this way, which is why I'm wanting to marry him. He brings the best out in me... And the worst. But like I've said before and like I'll say agin, I love him.

I'd spent weeks looking through shop windows, actually going into shops and browsing the internet looking for the perfect ring for the most perfect man ever. It'd taken me weeks to find it. So many time I thought I had the right one, so many times I was wrong. The perfect ring was the one in my pocket now. In its fancy black velvet box, sitting on a fancy black cushion. The actual ring itself is gold, like Steve's hair and in the centre of the band was a big shiny diamond, then in a pattern were rubies and sapphires. Why these stone? you may ask. Well it's because Steve loves America and I love him. Ugh I feel like I'm rambling now. It's the nerves I tell ya.

"Tony?" That was Clint. He'd pulled me out of my thoughts and now everyone was looking at me. I swear the temperature went up a few degrees. The conversations had stopped and every eye was on me. Honestly it was like being a lion at the zoo. 
"Um... Yeah?" Annnnd way to go Tony, now you sound like a five year old who stole a cookie and got caught. Well fucking done.
"You doin okay? Your rather quiet. It's not right." And there goes Marie. Pointing her fork at me accusingly. I need a come back quick but my mind has gone to goop. I can see Steve looking at me and his adorable eyes just make me wanna lose it.
"Yeah well, everyone needs a break from the lime light. It's exhausting being this awesome you know." I shot back rather lamely. "If you'll excuse me I have to visit the little superheroes room." And with that I stood up and did that walk that might has well have been a run because I was melting under such pressure. I hope no one got any ideas from that.

Steve's POV
Tony was rather quiet throughout the meal. It wasn't like him. However he may just be tired. He does stay up all night working away until I finally drag him back to bed, kicking and screaming. I watched him rush to the bathroom and it made me wonder if he was okay. Again it wasnt like tony to have that much energy out of choice. He practically  ran into the bathroom and left a scorch trail behind him.
"He okay cap?" Nat asked. I didn't quite know how to answer. I didn't want to lie but I didn't quite want to say I didn't know. After all he is my boyfriend, I should know... Right?
"Um.. Yeah, I think." Now everyone was looking at me and it was a little intimidating. So I went back to my food and waited for them to stop drilling holes into my head.
Clint pushed his chair back from the table and stood up. He stretched a little then went the direction Tony did. I didn't want to ask where he was going and I didn't want to follow. I was slightly more worried because I really didn't know what was going on. Nat was stilling looking at me strangely but I decided to ignore her and listen to the music that was playing in the background. It was quite pleasant? I guess. Similar music to what Tony likes. I'm pretty sure it was called 'gypsy road' by Cinderella. I let the music over take me as my head swim with thoughts of Tony and if he was okay.

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