Chapter Five

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"Hey, what happened yesterday? Did something happen?" Legolas asked me as we went into the woods. "No, what do you mean?" I huffed. "I had to leave because I had stuff to do! What, do you think the only thing I do in my day is talkto you?" Legolas's brow crinkled (A/N I forgot the word hehe). "What? No, it was just at dinner you looked like—" "Like what?" I challenged. "Like you were upset," he said defensively. I don't know why I'm so mad at him! I should be happy he even noticed. He's just being a good friend! But instead I just rolled my sky-blue eyes (which were now a bit more green because the weather was getting a bit colder, they change with the weather!) and said, "I'm fine. I don't know WHAT you're on about." Legolas frowned but said nothing. The whole lesson was so awkward. Ten minutes in I was ready to pretend I had to leave again. "Sapphire," Legolas said finally, "I know something's up. You can talk to me. Is everything okay?" I felt the tears rush up as his concerned warm blue eyes bore into my own and I was about to blurt out something, I don't know what, but I heard a woman's voice go, "Hey, Legolas!" We jerked out of our whatever-it-was and turned around. Ugh, it was Tauriel! "Oh, hey," said Legolas, and he sounded kind of relieved. Relieved?? I was so offended! It was like he couldn't be bothered taking care of me! "What's up?" Tauriel said. Then she noticed me. "Oh. Sorry. Am I interrupting something?" But her tone was SO sarcastic!! I wanted to punch her but instead I said, "No, nothing." At the same time Legolas said "Well Sapphire and I were just—" then he broke off, surprised as he realised what I had said. He raised his eyebrows at Tauriel like 'what's up with her?' and he thought I didn't see, but I DID see! Oh, my insides BOILED with rage! I'd had enough.

A/N mwahahah I left you all on another cliffhanger!! <33 sorry not sorry uwu Please comment on what you think will happen next <3333333

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