Chapter Twenty-One

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I have no idea what everyone would have been thinking when the Prince of Mirkwood walked out of the party with a random she-elf in his arms that no one had really heard of before. But yes, he carried me. How embarrassing! 

Unfortunately, I don't remember much of it. All I can remember from that short period of time was the overwhelming feeling of his smell—an icy river, a forest—and a single, clear thought in the blurry sea of memory. He is sunlight

When I fully came to myself, I was lying in my bed, and two people were on chairs on either side of me: Legolas on my right, and my mother on my left. I immediately wished I had stayed unconscious—the silence was so awkward! What would my mother, a lowly ranked elf, be doing in the same room as the PRINCE?! 

"Sapphire!" my mother said, relieved, probably for more than one reason. "you're awake! How are you feeling?" 

I quickly sat up because I realised my hair was an absolute mess, and quickly started to fix it. "I'm...I dont really know what happened." 

"I think you had a dizzy spell," Legolas supplies. "I knew the music was too loud, I should have—" 

"No, its alright, it wasnt..." I trail off. 

"It wasnt?" Legolas prompted, but I thought it was better for him to think it was the music that made me dizzy than his smile. 

"I suppose the music was rather loud," I said. "Also the dance was fast...and I was nervous--" 

"And you had barely eaten anything! What were you doing dancing when you had barely had anything to eat—" Mum interrupts, then sort of curls inwards a little when Legolas looks at her. "Er. Your Highness," she says, "of course you can choose to dance with whoever, im not saying—" 

Legolas smiles at her, one of his best smiles (the triple C-s: calming, charming, and cute!!). "Don't worry," he says, "I agree. If I had known she hadn't eaten properly, I would never have asked her to dance!" 

I blush and pull my knees to my chest, carefully rearranging the dress. 

"Legolas, I already have a mother," I mutter, "I dont need another." 

He starts laughing, then mother started laughing, then we all started laughing for a moment. 

"Anyways, im fine now, so you can leave," I say to Legolas after we're all done. "People will be wondering where you're at. You can go choose another girl to dance with." 

I tried not to sound too bitter at that last one but I dont know if it worked. For a moment I found myself wondering who Adanlas danced with, to be on the dance floor with us. 

 "Oh, I dont think ill dance with anyone else," Legolas says with a twinkle in his eye, and I nearly died, my face becoming a tomato.

 Of course he was just saying that like a friend...teasingly...but....!!!! Argh, my stupid emotions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And in front of mum too, oh GOD! w

hen Legolas left the room a few moments later, my mum turned to me with a serious loko. 

"So, Sapphire..." she began.

A/N ah nooooo not the dreaded mother interregation .... or however u spell tht word hehehe <33

the moon and stars (legolas x oc)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu