Chapter Twenty

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My eyelids fluttered open, vision blurry, and I found myself in someone's arms. Mmm, must be Legolas. I felt warm, safe, like a baby in a cradle. 

But what was that noise I was hearing, people screaming my name? 

I opened my eyes wide and rubbed them. Legolas was in front of me, and a small crowd had gathered behind him. 

"Sapphire, Sapphire, are you alright?"!

I mumbled something in reply, but my mind was racing! If Legolas was in front of me, who's arms had I fallen into?? 

I slowly got up, and turned to look at my rescuer. I was met with a pair of warm brown eyes, framed by long, thick eyelashes. 

Oh god. It was Eldarion Adanlas. My childhood nemesis. 

"Hello, Sapphire", he said, smirking. I wrenched myself away from him, ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach. 


"That's a bit rich, I did just prevent your head from cracking open." 

Agh, he was so annoying! I hmphed and stood up, but immediately felt dizzy and fell back, onto his lap

"ooh bit eager now aren't we, " he said under his breath. 

He was so disgusting! As if I would ever... I didn't even want to think about it. 

Thankfully, Legolas then appeared by my side, his eyes crinkled with worry. The party had thankfully continued, the dancefloor was full. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" he asked, full of concern. I was suddenly aware of his hands on my arms, pulling me away from Adanlas and towards him. I stumbled, suddenly dizzy, but he held me up. He was so strong. I wasn't able to make a coherent reply, but he seemed to understand. 

"Let's get you to your room." 

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