Chapter Twenty-Nine

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That was my first instinct. Oh god, oh god, oh god, what had I done!! 

I ran. I ran like a coward, into the cover of the woods. I ran across the bridge that straddled the stream where Eldarion and I had so often skipped stones, the sun merrily laughing at our faces, radiant with love. I'd always beat him. 

 I ran past the archery range, where Legolas and I had spent countless hours together, creating memories that would bear no fruit, for where were we now? 

I ran past the Elanor fields where I had played with Eldarion, darting between the deep purple flowers, our laughter free and careless, for Innocence nurtured us in her gentle hands and the horrors of the world had not yet wrested us from her tender grasp. 

I ran past the field where the Ball was held, and I remembered the smell of Legolas-- hope and spring and everything that was new and good in this world. But now, I could only smell the acrid stench of smoke and the forever looping question of 'what could have been'. 

As I crested the hill, where I had so often watched the sunset with Eldarion when we were children, I turned around. Smoke billowed, the spirals an enigmatic message swirling into the twilight horizon. As the flames consumed the once majestic elvish city, I could only watch in anguish and despair. 

The glow of the inferno illuminated the night sky, casting an eerie crimson hue over the towering spires and delicate arches that had stood immoveable, silently witnessing the history of our people. The crackling of the blaze echoed through the air, mingling with the distant cries of anguish. 

Deep down, I hoped that my mother was safe, and that Eldarion and Legolas were as well. I wondered what had happened to Tauriel. Maybe I, I could not be responsible for another life. Not after what happened to Atriesha. 

Tears streamed down my face, but I could not pay them any heed. For I was the one who caused all this. And a monster could not regret her actions. 

There was no going back.

A/N it's getting daaaark!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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