Chapter Twenty-Five

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Legolas looks at me, stunned. I can feel his gaze on me, scrutinising my messy hair and torn dress. God, I hate this!! An awkward silence fills the air. But he recovers quickly.

"Betrothed?" he says, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't know you were promised to anyone, Sapphire." 

How was I going to get out of this one? 

"I--I'm--well I'm not really, it's more of a--of a formality I suppose, a family promise that goes back a while, well to before I was born actually..." I laugh nervously. "We'll, we're just seeing if it works out or not, it's not like I like Eldarion or anything like fact, I don't like him at all actually, I sort of do hate him to be honest."

Oh God Sapphire, stop talking!! Stop talking!! But I couldn't, the word's just kept coming, and my face was turning redder and redder with every word. Legolas looked very confused, and I purposely avoided Eldarion's steady brown gaze. 

"I hate him, and his stupid teasing and stuff, he's a bit stupid actually, so I don't think it'll work out, a bit brutish too, his nose is a bit wonky and his teeth aren't quite straight, not to say anything about his bad breath!! I'd never, ever marry someone like him, that's so disgusting, I feel a bit sick just thinking about it!!"

Eldarion quickly turned his face away, but not quick enough for me to miss the pain in his face. I slapped my hand over my mouth. I can't believe I said all that about Eldarion in front of LEGOLAS. Sure, it was fine to say it to Eldarion himself, but we'd known each other as kids, and we were united in class. To say these things about him in front of the High Prince... Oh God Sapphire, what have you done???

Legolas turned towards me coolly. "I'm a bit surprised to hear you say these things about Eldarion, especially seeing as none of them are true. You know, I think it reflects more on your personality than his. I thought I knew you." 

His blue eyes pierced mine, and I felt a horrible, horrible squirming guilt in my stomach. I couldn't even bring myself to look at Eldarion, but I could feel the hurt radiating off him. 

"I thought you were different," Legolas continued. His eyes bore into mine, but no longer did they reflect the tranquil nature of a cool, deep forest pool. They held the wrath and unforgiveness of the storming sea. "I used to like you, in fact, I meant to speak with my father about you tonight actually, until I realised you were...betrothed. Now, even if you weren't, I don't think I would." 

Eldarion suddenly looked up at me, accusingly, his beautiful brown eyes flashing, swimming with tears that were barely held back by his long, dark eyelashes. I'm sure he assumed I was taking him along for a long, horrible ride. For Legolas to say these things about his intentions with me, after all we had discussed against the class system and higher-ups as kids?? And Legolas to suddenly confess his feelings for me??? And for me to screw it up??? 

Oh God, what had I done!!!

A/N Sorry for taking soooo long to update even though I promised it would be often... but now you know why! so much dramaaaaa

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