Chapter Twenty-Two

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"So, Sapphire," my mum began seriously. 

"Yeah?" I said nervously. 

"Do you like Legolas?" Mother said. 

I felt the heat rush to my face. "Mum! Why would you—" 

Mum looked at me very carefully. "Please answer the question truthfully, Sapphire, it's important."

 I started to shake my head, then saw my mum's face. "Yes," I muttered, blushing furiously. "Okay?! What's the big deal?!!?!"

 Mum sighed. "And has he expressed any... feelings... back?" 

"No!" I said. "Well. I mean. No. I don't know. Nope?"

 Mum sighed again. "Sapphire, I need you to be serious and listen to me for some moments. As you are aware, we are... not the highest ranking elves here." 

I stopped blushing and quickly realised this was a proper, really serious conversation. We NEVER discussed rank. I mean... it was an embarrassing thing to talk about.

 "And," mum continued, "if Legolas has an interest in you, it would prove...good...for...our family." 

I went cold. "So," I started, but mum cut me off. 

"You're nearing a marriageable age soon, since you're now sixteen and almost seventeen. I was thinking, since Legolas does seem to... like... you... it would be good to...encourage... that. But now I'm not sure if theres anything to encourage." 

"Mum!" I said, but she interrupted me again. 

"And there's something else. Another...wealthy family...have offered a..." "A? Offered a?" This suspense was KILLING me!! 

"A betrothal of sorts," mum finished. "For you and their son to...interact and see how things go. Nothing is set in stone, of course," she said quickly. "This isn't forcing anything, we don't live in the OLDEN days, we're just arranging something to see how it goes and it's all your choice at the end of the day without any pressure. But if there was...a...union...we would benefit by their wealth and from the union they would get... I mean, it's all technicalities, but as you know our family—our greater House in fact, including some who aren't living in Mirkwood—does produce textiles and fabrics and the like. Which is a pretty good trade but not enough to, uh, well." 

My mind was reeling. "So." I put my head in my hands. "You want me to quickly figure out if Legolas is interested in me so that we can either refuse the betrothal or accept it? And then you want me to see how it goes? What if the betrothal fails but we've already turned down Legolas!?" 

"Legolas hasn't expressed anything yet," mum said, then muttered, "at least formally."

 I blushed even deeper. 

"And... we can't really turn down the betrothal unless we come up with a really really good reason. Since from their point of view we are at a very vulnerable position and they are doing us a favour. This reason would have to be. Um. Such as. Legolas has already expressed his...wishes before they did." 

My mind was reeling even more. "So let me get this straight. Our entire House including people out of Mirkwood who I don't even KNOW, depends on ME either getting—married—" I choked on the word "—to Legolas or this...other House—which house, by the way? No, actually, don't tell me yet. I need to get the rest of this straight. So I have to go forward with a betrothal with this family and I will be PRESSURED to accept it, because refusing it will be rude!! And the ONLY way I could refuse it WITHOUT seeming rude is if LEGOLAS ASKS ME FIRST?!?!" I was furious. "What if I dont want to get married yet?!" 

"Sapphire, it's not right now," Mum said calmingly. "Or at least, marriage won't be right now. The betrothal will last for at least two years unless you change your mind, but more likely around three, and you can probably push it to four if you want, which is a VERY long time but the House is happy to wait until you are ready. We are not barbarians!" 

"So it's either this other family, this other House, or Legolas," I muttered. "Still not much of a choice. But fine." I took a deep breath. "Who is this other house?" 

"Oh, you already know them," Mum said, and I felt my heart plummet to my stomach. "House Adanlas."

 I froze. 

"There's a young man, around your age—" mum continued, but I had enough. 

I jumped off from my bed and stamped my feet like a little child, remembering the dance from just today. "No. NO! I will NEVER EVER marry Eldarion Adanlas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A/N AND HERE IS THE DRAMA I HAVE BEEN PROMISINGGGG IT HATH ARRIVEEDDDDD well mroe like u underSTAND what the drama is THERE WIL LALWAYS BE MORE DRAMA it will just get bigger and bigger then... boom!!! the prologue eventso ccur!! (and that wont even be the end)

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