Chapter Eleven

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A/N Continuing from last chapter! If you find this confusing, it's a flashback. Sapphire is crying on her bed remembering what happened after the dinner. 😄 

"There's no point chasing after these people. They will never like you," said my mother sternly.

"Mum!" I say embarrassed. "I don't like Legolas—"

"Sapphire?" It was Legolas.

I felt my face go hot. Even my mum turned red. We both hoped with all our might that he had not heard us.

"Hi," I said, sure that I looked like a sunburned tomato, wondering what he wanted. My mother nodded politely to him and stepped away, muttering something under her breath about my little brother needing to sleep. She always seemed nervous around Legolas ,even though I had told her that he was nice and not a stuck up royal prat.

"Sorry for being annoying but have you had a look for that arrow?" Legolas said.

I felt something in my stomach drop. "No I haven't," I snapped, for some reason irritated, "and being the prince I'm sure you have a lot more so I don't know why you're worrying about one useless arrow."

Realising what I said, I quickly gave a nervous laugh to try and lessen the tension but it made it worse. Legolas was looking at me with an unreadable expression in his beautiful ocean-blue eyes. 

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, stepping away. "I don't—I think I'll just go—"

"No, you're right," he said tiredly. "I do have a lot of other arrows. And I'm sorry for being pushy. But I also don't like to be wasteful.

"Yeah, nah, yeah I get it," I said with another quick laugh. "Yeah. Sorry. I don't—I'll look for the arrow." But an emotion was welling up inside me, bitter and vicious as salty ocean waves whipping against rocks. (A/N nice simile?)

He was always leaving me second-guessing and going over my thoughts and words, frantically wondering whether I said or did anything wrong and it wasn't fair!

"Why did you come and sit next to me?" I asked bluntly. "Why did you break an Elvish tradition?" 

"What?" Legolas said, surprised, as he turned around to face me (he'd just been walking off). "What elvish tradition?"

Something dropped in my stomach. Again. Something was wrong. "You know..." I said, "the seating one...?" 

Legolas smiled at me, the type of patient, patronising smile you'd give a toddler demanding that one plus one was in fact three (or so I thought). 

"There is no elvish tradition," he said. "I don't really understand what you're talking about. As to why I sat next to you, you might've noticed that you get a better view than I do! I wanted to sit on that side of the table so I sat on that side of the table. And if I was sitting there, why not sit next to a friend?" 

He gave me that smile again, and without anther word, walked away, leaving me staring after him, feeling as if someone had stabbed me repeatedly. I wasn't special.

A/N I think im doing those paragraphs correctly ... pls let me knwo if im not <333 i hope you enjoyed this chapter!! i do loveee drama hehe u can probably tell lollzies

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