Chapter Thirteen

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A soft breeze began to blow, cooling my tears. The strands of my blonde hair were made dark by the night. They danced gently in the wind like the lacy froth of waves in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes the waves thundered over the rocks of lost islands and sometimes they lapped gently against the shores, but it didn't matter because the islands were lost and there was no one to hear the stormy songs of the waves. 

This was how my heart was too. It cried out a pleading song that no one would answer like a lonely whale or a single bird in a destroyed forest. I was this single bird crying out my beautiful song for the rest of eternity and that breathtaking, angelic figure playing his sweet song would never think to reply to me. His love and grief was for someone else. I would be doomed to forever push down my emotions, to pretend that everything was completely fine. 

I sighed and brushed my hair back from my sad eyes and accepted my fate. What was I to do now? The first thing that I had to do, I decided, was to find out who that melody of grief and longing and pain and intense love was for. Slowly I got up from the rock and padded over to the tree trunk where the Prince of Mirkwood sat, reed pipes safely in his lap, hands folded, lost in thought.

"Legolas?" I whispered, a wave of doubt overcoming me at what I was doing. Who was I to interrupt him?

Legolas looked up at me slowly with the look of someone waking up from a bad dream only to find that real life was not much better.

"Can't sleep?" He replied softly, his tone normal, though his eyes were still so, so sad and far away. I wanted to help, to take away his pain, but I didn't know how. So I just nodded in reply to his question and asked, "May I sit?" 

This time Legolas nodded, absent-mindedly. His gaze travelled over the river, which had the moon reflected so beautifully in it, like it was a path to the heavens. His look of longing did not disappear. I looked at the river also, then followed the path until it cut off sharply and the banks in the distance rose, covered in darkness. Was this a path Legolas wanted to take? The silence had already stretched very long and Legolas was acting like I was not there, so I decided to make some conversation. 

"I heard you playing," I said, then regretted it instantly. My voice was too harsh against the melancholy blanket of the night especially when it dragged Legolas back to reality. 

"Oh" he said and blinked. "Yes". 

he did not look like he was going to talk any more but I stupidly pressed on, "what was it?" 

The look of pain on his face was so vivid that I wanted to kick myself and tear my hair out. Stupid, stupid me! I was making his pain worse, whatever it was! Why couldn't I learn my lesson? 

"My..." he said, then broke off suddenly as if he could not go on. 

"Its ok, you dont need to say anything" i said quickly. " iwas silly to pry. Dont worry." 

Legolas ignored me, or at least didnt make any move ot tell me that he heard me.

"She was beautiful," he said instead. My heart dropped like it had been dropped from the tallest cliff in the universe. "Her voice was so sweet. And she loved music, too. She...she taught me this song."

Who? I thought. And why is he speaking in past tense? And WHY, most of all, does he sound like he loves her so much? I wish i didnt have to say this but it was true - i was really, really jealous. This only worsened as he continued. 

"I loved her so much. I still love her now. She was the light of my life. She was everything that made me happy. I miss her every moment of my life." 

Where did she go?, i wanted to ask, but I didn't because it was rude and insensitive and I didn't need to do any more of that. 

"I love her," he said again, like I missed it the first million trillion times. 

"Oh" i said, because I didn't have anything else to say. Then I said tentatively, "dont tell me if you Don't want to, but ... but who was she? What was her name?" 

Legolas continued to look at the river. "Her eyes were the colour of that moonlight on the river." 

Why was he telling me this? Why Was he waxing poetry about some girl he loved to me? Was he trying to make me jealous? Because i really was jealous. I went to ask again but he said before me, "No one will replace her for me." 

suddenly my heart stopped. I didnt want to hear any more. I wanted to get up and run far far far away. I knew before that he would never love me but the idea of him not being able to love me because he loved someone esle was too much. Who was this girl?? Why was she better htan me? And then...if she made him appy and still made Legolas happy then why did it matter so much to me? 

"I have to go," i said suddenly and got up. "My mother will be wondering where i am." 

finally legolas looked at me as if snapping out of a trance or dream. "Im sorry if i was talking too much about—" 

"no, its okay," i said. "You weren't, i just hve to go." i hovered awkwradly for a second then, when he didnt look at me again, I walked away. 

The walk quickly turn into a run and before long my sobs were echoing across the empty plains of my heart.

A/N ITS SO LONG!!!!!!! OH MY GODDD i was having this thing where i just felt like writing and writing xDD and ITS A CLIFFHANGER TOO! Please leave commentsss i really hope u liked it uwu i put a lot of effort into it lolzies!! Who is this mystery woman? Do you like hwo their relationship is progressing?? Let me know! Mwah until next time <333

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