Chapter Sixteen

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Silvery orbs shimmered in mid-air, their pale glow imitating moonbeams and starlight (A/N- see what I did there!). My friend Lyra played the lyre nearby, her fingers softly plucking at the strings. 

Clear notes rang out into the night, mixing with the scent of roses and silverbark to create an intoxicating atmosphere. 

Silver tables lay on the dewy grass, in a square, leaving space for dancing, covered in the best food from King Thranduil's stores. 

Wine was being passed around in crystal goblets by servants dressed in shimmering white robes. 

Legolas sat at the high table next to his father, a circlet of golden leaves on his brow. His robes were pale blue, bringing out the colour of his eyes. Storms, he looked... beautiful. 

His clear creamy skin stretched tight across high cheekbones and a clear brow, his gleaming shiny blonde hair, his high arched eyebrows, his beautiful ocean eyes that were surveying the crowd., stormy one second, halcyon (A/N- I just learnt this word today, we're studying Shakespeare at school!) the next...I could get lost in them. 

And that smile. That damn smile. It made me weak at the knees, and it wasn't even directed at me. 

Suddenly, I wanted to run back into my room and hide under my blankets. I felt so uncomfortable in my fancy clothes with my makeup and hair done, why would he even think I was pretty! I could never look as good as him. This wasn't me!! Plus, he was obviously in love with someone else. 

Before I could try to figure out who he was looking at, he saw me.

A/N DUUN DUN DUUUUUN!!!!!!! ok, drama coming up soon... 

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