Chapter Nine

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"Sapphire," Tauriel said, looking at me with pity in her eyes. "I know that for some reason, you don't like me, but just know that—" she seemed to struggle with her words for a moment. I stood there waiting patiently for her because I wanted to be the better person. "Just know that we can — there's still — never mind," Tauriel said exasperatedly. "Just know that I'm sorry if I ever did or said anything wrong." I wish I could say at that moment that I continued to be the better person and graciously accepted her apology, but no! Instead, I just nodded coldly at her and continued to walk away.


Knock, knock! I yawned and stretched, having fallen asleep on my nice big comfy bed—instead of sorting out my emotions. Never mind... "Who is it?" I yawned again. "Me," came the reply. Legolas. Again. Didn't I just tell him to leave me alone? But I couldn't be rude. "What do you want?" I said, trying to make it sound not rude. It still came out a bit harshly. Oops. What if he was asking after me again? He's so caring and I just push him away so much. Ugh!! Isn't he sweet— "I'm an arrow short, did you by any chance take one of mine by accident?" I felt so disappointed it was like I was in free-fall after jumping off a cliff. "Um," I croaked, then cleared my throat. "Um," I tried again. "I'll have a look." "Thanks," Legolas said. There was silence for a moment. "L-Legolas?" I asked, kicking myself mentally for blushing when I said his name. There was no reply. He had gone! Oh well. I'd see him at dinner. Not that I'd sit anywhere near him, though...ugh.


At dinner, I could barely eat. I moved my salad around my plate with my fork but none of it actually came into my mouth. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" my mother asked. "Why aren't you eating?" "I'm not hungry," I muttered and focused my attention on the pretty designs on the fork. My blonde hair fell in front of my face, keeping everyone else out and trapping me and my turbulent (A/N Did I use that word right?) emotions. I suddenly felt like someone was staring at me and glanced through my curtain of hair. My eyes met Legolas', who was sitting on the seat next to the head of the table. He was staring at me very intently and I couldn't read his expression. Next to him was Tauriel who was busy talking to someone next to her who I recognised as someone else part of the Royal Guard. Anyways, I quickly looked away, feeling the usual heat spread across my face. I felt him staring still and a few moments later, I peeped to check if he was. Once again our eyes met. I then resolved to focus my attention on my food (or at least, my fork) and stop thinking (and looking) at Legolas! To take my mind off him, I focused on all the problems in my life right now, which didn't really help because he was the main problem! Well, me liking him was the main problem, oopsies. I hadn't even gotten started on my problems when I was aware of a lull in the conversation, a sort of sudden hush. I felt a presence next to me and looked up. I almost got the shock of my life! It was Legolas, holding his plate! "What are you doing?" I whispered furiously. He was breaking tradition! He was meant to sit with his family at his delegated spot, as he was the PRINCE! He didn't even answer me, just shrugged and sat beside me and began eating, like it was totally normal! I didn't dare glance over at King Thranduil, but then, of course, I did. He was watching us with a strange expression on his face that I didn't quite understand. I noticed Tauriel's spot was empty and realised she had sat down beside Legolas. What on earth was going on? What statement was he trying to make? Was he even trying to make a statement? I glanced at my mother beside me—

A/N I feel like this one was really long, but I feel that with all of them! I sort of ended it on a cliffhanger too uwu. Love you alllll <333

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