Chapter Fourteen

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Sunbeams filtered through the curtains in my room, tickling my face. They were too bright, too happy. I hadn't slept a wink, my head was pounding and my face was sticky from the countless tears (and snot!) I had shed. I didn't want to get out of bed. Ever. A light tap sounded at the door. "Honey, wake up. Today's the Elanor Festival, surely you haven't forgotten?" Oh my god. I had forgotten. Today was the day where the Elanor would be blooming, under the light of the full moon. All elves had the day off, and there was merriment and joy, food and drink, music and dance. And the next in line to the throne would dance...Legolas would dance, but with whom? Ugh. That shouldn't even be a question. I knew who he would dance with. The girl from his song. I slumped back down in bed and covered my head with my pillow.

A/N ok from here i promise the chapters will get longer, some go to 1000+ words coming up, hang in there!! love you alll 

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