Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I run back to my house, tears blurring my vision, stumbling over tree roots and branches. I need to hide, I need to come to terms with my feelings and figure out how to fix this.

As I approach the dwellings, I stop. No one can see me like this, looking like an absolute mess. I'll need to sneak in somehow. 

I hide behind a tree, watching the path to my house. At least no one is around at the moment, everyone is eating lunch in the pavilions. I see a figure making their way down the path, I need to be quick and make a run for another spot, otherwise they will definitely spot me and ask waaay too many questions. I don't have the brain space to talk to ANYONE right now. 

My thoughts are swirling around in my head and my feelings are churning in my heart. I brace myself, and RUN across the path, hair flying in the wind. 

But too late!! The figure sees me!! 

"Sapphire??" a familiar voice says. Oh God, it can't be...but it is! 

The red-haloed blur turns into Tauriel in front of my eyes. As if this couldn't get any worse! 

A/N yes yes it's short but the next one is looong!

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