Chapter Eight

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"Never mind," she said, looking at me quizzically, her head tilted to the side as if looking at me from another angle would help her understand me better. Not that I need her to understand me! The only person who I need to understand my feelings is Legolas, and I don't know how to tell him! Anyways, it's not like I can say anything with Tauriel around, looking so smug and high and mighty. Gah! Once again, I had no where to go, no one to turn to, what was I to do? I gulped, and turned around and ran, but Legolas caught my arm before I could bolt. "Sapphire, you aren't doing this again, tell me whats wrong, please, I want to help you," he paused, hesitating, as if weighing up his words. "I'm your friend". His stormy blue eyes met mine, and he looked so sad and confused that I melted a bit inside. I turned around and faced him. "Legolas, there is something that's bothering me, but I don't know if I ever will be able to tell you. I don't even know if there actually is anything that's wrong...just please, let me be for now. I'll see you for shooting practise tomorrow." Tauriel cocked an eyebrow. And I took a shuddering gasp, wrestled my arm out of his firm grasp and ran, back to my room, where I could sift through my feelings in peace. As I was running, I heard footsteps after me, and I stopped and turned around, thinking it was Legolas. But it was Tauriel! What did she want? "Sapphire," she said, looking at me with pity in her eyes. "I know that for some reason, you don't like me, but just know that..."


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