Author's Note

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hey everyone!! just wanted to say that i started writing this a looong time ago and i was pretty bad at writing haha but i've written so much i really can't be bothered re-writing them better

so you're going to have to deal with some of my bad writing at first <33

as proof that i can write well, i'll give you an excerpt from a much later chapter. just a warning, it's a bit of a spoiler, but without context it doesn't really mean much on its own hehe...

Smoke billowed, the spirals an enigmatic message swirling into the twilight horizon.The glow of the inferno illuminated the night sky, casting an eerie crimson hue over the towering spires and delicate arches that had stood immoveable, silently witnessing the history of our people. The crackling of the blaze echoed through the air, mingling with the distant cries of anguish. Deep down, I could only hope that my mother was safe...

anyways, forge ahead through the murky chapters of writing near-inaccessible with its terribleness! i promise, it gets better, and quite quickly...

i won't delay you any longer!! please add this book to your collection and leave comments with feedback, telling me what you loved, and what you want to see more of! (is this the wattpad version of 'please like and subscribe'? oopsies)

i love you all so much!

the moon and stars (legolas x oc)Where stories live. Discover now