Chapter Seven

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"Sapphire," Legolas said urgently, "you're clearly upset and you've been upset for the past few days. Please tell me what's going on. I want to help." Half of me wanted to curl into him and sob my heart out and tell him everything and the other half wanted to punch him and run away again. I didn't know what to do! Which part would win? (A/N dun dun dunnnn) "You want to help?" I snapped. "So then why do you and Tauriel—" "What's Tauriel got to do with anything?" Legolas said a bit impatiently. Of COURSE he didn't understand! He was a GUY. Guys never understand these deep things (A/N think the word is "nuances"?). "Tauriel is so rude to me and you don't even see it!" I yelled, wrenching away from him and jumping to my feet. "You're so caught up in her!" Legolas looked confused as he stood up too (didn't like being below me, huh?) but also like he was about to laugh which made me even more annoyed. All these emotions were so tiring! "I'm not—what?" Legolas said, really really confused but still like he was laughing inside. I wanted to yell at him "You love her but you don't love me!" And then time stood still.

I realised what I had just thought. That's what I wanted...I wanted Legolas to love me. I loved him. The revelation shook me so much my whole body trembled. No no no! This was too much. I felt so many emotions at once. I felt ashamed of myself. How could I have been so rude to Legolas when he did not even know what was going on? I decided then and there to be a better friend to Legolas. He was such a good and caring friend to me. I opened my mouth to apologise but just as I did, guess who stepped out of the shadows? TAURIEL. Now, I know I said I would be a good friend, but only to Legolas, not Tauriel. My blood began to boil again (SO MANY EMOTIONS!!!). "Oh, it's so obvious, Legolas," Tauriel said with pity in her voice. UGH! I didn't want her PITY! She looked down on me so much! I realised also that since Legolas was the Prince he would also look down on me! But he didn't, did he? He hugged me, didn't he? (Well I don't know if it was a hug, he just put his arm around me. Is that a hug? Hmm.) But anyways Tauriel said "Oh, it's so obvious, Legolas." "What's obvious?" Legolas said, back to his confusion (did he ever get out of it?). I looked at Tauriel then, into her stormy grey eyes, and realised (another revelation!) that SHE KNEW. Oh no...would she reveal me? I was getting ready to run away again but then Tauriel spoke——

A/N ooh i love these cliffhangers! Im sure you dont tho uwu <33 im sorryyyy hehe no im not! Until next time lovesss

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