Chapter Eighteen

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Legolas strode towards me, his eyes focused, clear, intense blue. His silvery robes billowed gently in the wind, embroidery like fine silken cobwebs covering the fabric. My heartbeat quickened as he approached, I felt like I was going to faint. 

Finally he stood in front of me, holding my gaze, and gently reached for my hand. "Sapphire Faulkner, will you do me the honour of the first dance", he asked, a smile playing at the edges of his lips. His lips looked so soft, and were... SAPPHIRE!! Stop thinking about his lips!! He's asking you for a dance, reply and stop being such a fool. 

I gave a start and looked back at Legolas. "Uhhh, sure, though I don't think I can dance very well!!" Oh my god. I have literally never danced, especially not with Legolas!! I was going to make such a fool of myself. 

I was about to excuse myself and run to the bathroom but before I could, Legolas grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dancefloor. I felt myself turn red. Everyone was staring at me!! King Thranduil, all the guards (including Tauriel, who was looking at me with a livid expression), my mother, my friends, the musicians, EVERY SINGLE ELF IN MIRKWOOD!!! 

The music heightened, and Legolas pulled me into the middle of the dancefloor, bowed, and then pulled me to his chest.

All the blood rushed to my face. My breath quickened, there was so much external stimulation. Legolas touching me, his eyes, his hair, his smell !! (like sunshine on rain soaked pine needles, the crisp pre-dawn air on a winter's morning), everything about him, everyone looking at me, me not being able to dance properly, I was going to faint! But then I felt his steady hand on my waist, holding me up, the other clasping my hand firmly, and I felt solid again. I took a deep breath, and looked up at him. He smiled at me, kindly, and I clenched his shoulder tightly, taking deep breaths. 

I felt like it was just me and him, dancing together in the moonlight underneath the stars. I stepped forwards and backwards purposefully, surprisingly not tripping over my own feet. I felt confident, beautiful even, with him there holding me. 

"Uhhh Sapphire?" Legolas whispered to me, bending close, his hair tickling my face. "Yes?", I asked breathlessly, lifting my head up to meet his eyes. I could see each and every one of his long eyelashes. 

"Umm, usually it's the guy who does the leading". A smile played at his lips and his blue eyes twinkled. I immediately blushed and dropped my gaze, mortified, loosening my grip on him. 

In my confidence, I had been dragging him around like a horse on a lead rope on the dancefloor!! Oh god, why couldn't I be graceful and beautiful like all the other she-elves?! 

"Ahh, I'm so sorry!!", I said. "I told you I don't know how to dance!!" 

"It's ok," he replied. "Maybe I'll give you some dancing lessons as well as archery ones. Now be quiet before everyone else wonders what we're whispering about." 

 Other couples started making their way to the dancefloor, but my head was spinning. Ahhhh! Dancing with Legolas?!?! 

A/N ITS FINALLY HAPPENED!!! SOME FLUFFFFF hhehe *insert taytay my beloved saying "wait the worst is yet to comeeeee oh no!"

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