Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I'm sorry," I whispered miserably to the ground. "I didn't mean to..." 

Well, you did," Eldarion says. He seems to finally have found his voice again.

I gather the courage to look into his face and see his brown eyes are smoldering with anger, hurt, and disgust. No one's ever looked at me like that before! I'm not that sort of person! I'm not! I don't deserve any of this!

I feel tears pricking my eyes. 

"And I'm glad you did say all that, because now I know exactly what you think of me," Eldarion continues, resentfully. "To think! To think that we used to be friends! Even after what happened with Atriesha, I had hoped... But no, I will never make that mistake again." 

Of course he had to bring Atriesha up! I can't help it; I start crying. 

"Why are you crying?" Eldarion says, disgusted. 

"I said I'm sorry," I gasp through my tears. "You don't have to be so mean!"

"Get out of your self pity, and maybe we'll talk," Eldarion says - rudely! 

Legolas, who has been standing quietly this whole time, his face unreadable, exchanges a glance with Eldarion. As one, they turn and walk away. With them go all my dreams and hopes and joys. What evil was strong enough to unite my 'worst enemy' and my best friend!—me! It was me! 

I know now that nothing will ever be the same again. Eldarion and I will never play-fight again, and Legolas will never want to look at me let alone hang around me, and my family - my family! - we will remain poor and in debt and our agreement will be broken, all because I could not keep my mouth shut - mother will secretly resent me, I know, as she must already, she must hate me as a daughter... 

I know it wasn't my fault, I was provoked! And everything I said was true, even thought it was rude! People need to hear the truth sometimes, don't they? Of course, I never intended to go so far, and for Legolas to hear all of that, which is even worse, but... 

None of this is fair, I don't deserve any of this! It was a genuine mistake - they can't ruin my life because of that! That's selfish of them! Where is the elven trait of forgiveness and honour and dignity that everyone covets? I see none of it here! 

And with that, a small seed of bitterness forms in my heart. Standing in the forest clearing, my pure blonde hair sullied with dirt, my hands curled into tight fists cutting the crescent moon into my palms, my tears glistening like stars in the dull sunlight—I am a different person to the one who put on this dress. Within me approaches a cold dawn.

A/N ahhh! XDDD taht sounsd a bit like a villain origin story, doesnt it...! But im not saying anything, so dont as me! XD im so excited for where this story is headed!!!! Squeeeeeee. What do you guys think about all the drama going on?! Its been soooo fun to write. And do you think my writing has improved!!!? Well, thats all for now - until next time lovelies, and ill try to make sure that's not too far away!! <333

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