Chapter Six

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A/N- starting exactly where I left off welp haha

I was angry, so angry, but I didn't know why! Legolas and Tauriel looked at each other, as if they were in on some secret, as if I was a little child that Legolas had to deal with! And then I realised, that's what I was. I was just a little kid, a burden for Legolas. He didn't see me as an equal, he didn't really care about me on the level I thought he did, he was just being nice. He was too nice to tell me to get lost, which is what I'm sure he actually wanted me to do! And he treated Tauriel as his equal, because she served his dad! Gah! Just because he's Prince of Mirkwood... I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. Tauriel and Legolas were still standing around me awkwardly. I brushed my hair away from my eyes, dusted my tunic, and beamed at them (honestly, I don't even know how I managed to smile that wide and hard, it was an absolute ray of sunshine). "Legolas was just being a good Prince (I didn't say friend!) and helping me with my shooting! But we're done now, I've improved a lot thanks to his help. We were just finishing up our last session. Well, I'll leave you two too it, bye!" I stalked off, but I couldn't help catching a glimpse of Legolas' shocked face. His expression nearly; nearly; broke my heart. He looked so confused! "Bu-u-t..." He broke off stammering. "But you still need help, don't you? You're still not that great at shooti..." He stopped when he realised I wasn't listening, and was continuing to walk away from him. I managed to keep my composure until I reached the edge of the Mirkwood forest, then I burst into tears and ran back towards my room. As I was running, I tripped over a tree branch and found my face pressed against the cold forest floor. I scrambled up and shimmied over to sit under a tree trunk, where I could cry in peace! I tucked my head in my arms, and was about to start properly crying, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and looked straight into Legolas' deep blue eyes...

A/N- Squeeee! If that ending isn't cute, I don't know what is!!! Sorry for another cliffhanger, forgive me my lovelies!

the moon and stars (legolas x oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant