Chapter Nineteen

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My head spun; my heart beat so loudly in my chest I was sure Legolas could hear it. I couldn't shove the feeling that I was acting like a fool somehow and Legolas was too kind to tell me so. The music was coming to an end, and I had barely begun to process what was happening. I felt like I was floating, dancing on the clouds, the sun in my hair. Legolas! His arm! Against me! It was almost too much, but at the same time... 

No, Sapphire! I thought. Don't you even!! 

I focused on the dance and the steps, which got more complicated towards the end for a grand finish.

 As I twirled around Legolas I caught a glimpse of Tauriel's face and suddenly...I felt as if someone had thrown a bucket of icy cold water on me, or like the sun had just gone behind a cloud - a thunderous cloud, which was what Tauriel's face looked like right now. I had never thought ... but no, I should have known! 

I swallowed the lump that had risen in my throat. Tauriel was already intimidating enough. I didn't want to make an enemy out of her. But from the look on her face, it seemed I had no choice. 

That glare...I shuddered, then tripped over Legolas' feet and nearly fell to the floor before he caught me, much to the amusement of other elves - I could hear their laughter burning my ears. 

"Sapphire?" Legolas said, looking down at me as we continued to dance faster and faster. "Are you okay?" 

"Mhm," I muttered, preoccupied with so many things at once: Legolas, Tauriel, the dance, the other elves... 

Oh no, oh no, oh no! What was I going to do? Should I tell Tauriel it wasn't going to happen for either of us? Would I tell Legolas about my feelings? Where do I put my feet now?!? 

I tripped again and the sniggers, and the music was so loud, it was all too much, the worry, the stress, AHHHH!!! Everything turned black and I fell down in a swoon.

A/N i know, she fainted, dont @ me heh

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