A Proposal

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Just like any usual day in her life, Parvati was in the temple of the palace. This temple was specifically dedicated to Shiva and it was made for her worship. She had gathered flowers herself and had made a garland and put it on the Shivalinga. She was lost in her thoughts when a voice broke her concentration.


Startled, she turned to look back and saw her two best friends, Jaya and Vijaya standing behind her. She got up and turned to them.

"Jaya, Vijaya, what happened? Why are you calling me now?" she asked.

"Parvati, King Himavan is calling you. Devrishi Narad has come to visit" Jaya responded. Parvati smiled and nodded.

"Alright sakhi, you go. I'll be there just in a while."

Hearing her, her friends left. Parvati completed her worship and made way towards the guest chambers. As she walked, her anklets tinkled and the sound spread throughout the nature. The sound of her anklets also attracted her parent's attention as she reached their chambers.

"Father, Maa, you called me?" She asked. Himavan got up and brought her in.

"Yes my dear. Come here. Look who has come to meet you."

Parvati walked in and saw Narada who was looking at her, surprised. The reason of his surprise was that she looked exactly like Sati. She was the splitting image of the Goddess Adi Shakti. Right from her eyes to her smile. She reminded him of Sati when she was his niece. He smiled and got up from his seat. Parvati went forward to touch his feet but he stopped her.

"No. No Princess. Don't do this. I should be the one to take your blessings."

Parvati was at a loss of words. She did not understand what he meant.

"Why Devarshi? What happened?" She asked, confused. Narada then remembered that Parvati didn't quite know herself yet so he let her touch his feet and blessed her.

"May all your wishes come true!" he said, keeping his hand on her head. In his mind, he bowed down to the Goddess and thanked her for giving him this opportunity. Then he spoke to Parvati.

"You have grown up so much. I had seen you as a child but now you've become an adult. You've become eligible. Just like nature herself."

Parvati just smiled and joined her hands.

"Maharaj" Narada addressed the King, "I've seen your daughter's future and she is destined for greatness. She has taken birth to destroy evil and one day, she would unite with Lord Shiva. He is her destiny."

These words rang in Parvati's ears and she looked up in surprise. She couldn't believe what she heard. All she ever wanted was to reach to Shiva and knowing that she will be able to do that delighted her. Narada noticed this and felt happy because he indirectly wanted to inform her about this.

"It will be her greatest honor, Devarshi. Mahadev is the greatest in this world but how will this be possible? He is in deep meditation in one of my own caves. Nobody knows about him" King Himavan said.

"Well then you are in luck, King Himalaya. Mahadev has recently come out of his meditation and is currently staying in the north of your mountains. I suggest you take Parvati to meet him" Narada said.

"I will definitely follow your advice, oh great sage. Thank you."

"Well then, it is my time to leave. May all be well."

Saying so, Narada left. Maina was not sure about this so she said to Himavan.

"Maharaj, I know Parvati adores Shiva but he is a mendicant. How will she be with him? He might not even notice her."

"Maina, it is Devarshi's advice and we should follow it" said Himavan. Now Parvati spoke up.

"Ma, do trust me. I promise I will do everything to bring him out of his mendicant life."

Maina still wasn't sure but she trusted Parvati's words and agreed. Parvati was more than happy. She rushed out and went to the Shiva linga. She could not stop smiling. Seeing her like this, her friends got curious.

"What happened, Parvati? Why are you smiling like this?" Vijaya asked.

"Sakhi, all my wish may just come true. I'm going to meet Mahadev."

She finished her sentence and hugged her friends. She was beyond delighted.

And this was the starting of the greatest love story the world had ever witnessed.

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