Blossom Of Passion

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It was almost evening when Lakshmi and Saraswati had come in. Parvati had fallen asleep for a while and their arrival woke her up.

"It's good that you got some sleep because now we are here to get you ready for your 'Suhag Raat'" Lakshmi said. Parvati realised that it was indeed their first night. She blushed a little as the two goddesses got her ready. She took a bath and then she was adorned with beautiful flower jewellery and very simple makeup.

"I can bet that Mahadev won't be able to turn his eyes away from you today" Saraswati said with a chuckle and Lakshmi interjected.

"But Sharada, when has he not taken his eyes away from Parvati? Whenever I've seen him, he is always looking at her."

Parvati just sat there smiling softly, listening to their annectodes. She didn't say anything as her heart was beating faster than ever. There was an unknown anticipation in her.

"Now let's take you outside, Mahadev is waiting for you."

Saying so, Lakshmi and Saraswati brought Parvati outside and took her where Shiva was. Sensing her presence, Shiva turned around and his look fixated on her. It was dark around but the slight moonlight fell on her. He couldn't turn his eyes away. Even Shakti's heart skipped a beat under the intense gaze of her Shiva.

Having done their work, the goddesses left and Shiva approached her. Her face was down as she couldn't bring herself to look at him so he slowly brought up her chin with his finger and they finally looked at each other.

"Adwitiya" he said as he referred to her being the only one like her in the entire world and then picked her up in his arms. This sudden action surprised her.

"You know you have done this three times since morning now!"

Shiva laughed at her words and said, "I know but I love it. I love to carry you in my arms, taking all your tensions and weight away."

Parvati did not say anything anymore and he carried her towards the garden. The garden in Kailash was beautiful where the nature goddess was constant. It was always filled with beautiful flowers and trees and that too without much care. It had been barren for a long time after Shakti had left, but with her return, nature had made it her dwelling ground once again. Shiva took her to a special, secluded place in the garden which was only known to them. Shiva put her down on a beautiful bed made of flowers. In front, was a swing which was meant for them. Parvati was admiring the scenary when Shiva got up and went away.

"Where are you going?" She asked but he had already left. After a while he came back with his hands behind his back.

"Close your eyes" he said.


"Do it."

Parvati did as she was asked and closed her eyes. She felt him taking her feet and caressing them and then he put something on.

"Now open your eyes."

She opened her eyes as per his words and saw that he had adorned her feet with a beautiful anklet.

"How is it? Did you like it?" he asked.

"It's beautiful. Did you make it?"

Shiva nodded. Parvati touched the anklet and smiled.

"Thank you, Mahadev."

Shiva then proceeded to make her wear the anklet on her other feet and then stopped.

"Uma, the Alta in your feet has dried up"

Parvati looked down and said, "Yes. I didn't really get the time."

"Wait here" he said and went away once again before she could say anything. He came back with a small plate of red dye. He took her feet and then started bordering her heels with Alta with his fingers. His touch made her shiver as she stared at him adoringly. He looked up and smiled at her. He finished painting both her feet and washed his hand. As he came to sit beside her, Parvati took a handful of flowers and threw it on him. He blinked his eyes and then smirked. He looked up and all the trees started to pour flowers on her. She laughed heartily which was like music to his ears. He slowly moved closer to her and she held his face and blew a flower petal that was on his eyelid. He pulled her towards his lap and kissed her passionately and then embraced her. The trees continued to shower flowers on them. Slowly he laid her down as he held on to her........

A/N : *cough cough* Now stop reading here and let them be alone 😉. See you in the next chapter.

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