The Handsome Lord

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Vishnu bathed Shiva with milk and Ganga jal. He opened his jata and changed it into silken hair. The ashes were rubbed off and Chandan paste was applied on his body. His tiger skin was replaced with royal robes, a cream colored dhoti and a red and white angavastram on both shoulders. Instead of his usual rudraksh beads, he was adorned with classy golden jewellery, consisting a broad necklace, earrings, bangles, finger rings and more. The look was completed with a red turban and his crescent moon on it. Vishnu wasn't wrong when he had said that Shiva was going to be 'Chandrashekhar' because his glow could even put moonlight to rest. Kam Dev, with his entire beauty, could not match up to Shiva. Vishnu looked at Shiva, proud of his makeover.

"Sakha, now you are ready. I'm sure my sister and her mother will be pleased now."

Shiva smiled and thanked him. He was indeed ready now.


Mena was waiting at the door for Shiva to arrive. She was told that Shiva had changed his form into a beautiful one but she was still doubtful. She had only come for her daughter's sake. Everyone was waiting to see Shiva's new form. Just then Vishnu walked in and along with him, came the most beautiful man the world has ever seen. Everyone was struck by Shiva's apoearence. Gone was the rugged ascetic, he was dressed in royal finery and looked so handsome that even the moon on his head seemed bland in front of him. He was called 'Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram' for a reason after all. Mena stared at him blankly. She could not relate the man that was standing in front of her to the ash covered aghori she had seen earlier. She had not seen anyone as beautiful as him ever. All the doubts she had in her heart was washed away. As he came forward, she did his arti and showered flowers on him. Then Shiva tried to bend down and touch her feet but she stopped him.

"Please don't do this, Mahadev. I've been the biggest fool in the world that I couldn't recognize your greatness. I was skeptical about my daughter's choice of groom but today, all my negetive thoughts are gone just by having your sight. Please forgive me! "

Mena folded her hands but Shiva clasped them and smiled.

"Mata, you are Parvati's mother which means you are my mother as well and a mother does not ask for forgiveness. She forgives. She blesses. I'm honored that our marriage has both your blessings" he said. Then he greeted Himavan as well.

"Well then, I think we should now proceed towards the wedding venue. Precious time is running out" Brahma said and everyone agreed. Shiva was guided to the mandap by the King and Queen.

The mandap was a huge platform that was made in the open gardens in front of the palace. It was supported by four pillars which were decorated with colorful flowers and clothes. In the middle, a yajna kunda was made where the ceremonial fire would be lit. In front of it, there were two seats where the bride and groom would sit. Rishi Garga, Himalaya's family priest was in charge of conducting the wedding. He and his fellow priests were busy arranging for the ceremony. As Shiva entered, all the guests stood up in reverence. He made his way to the mandap and sat on his seat. Then the fire was lit and the priests continued to pour ghee in it at intervals to keep the fire ignited.

"It's time to bring in the bride, Maharaj!" Rishi Garga said. Himalaya nodded and sent Ganga to bring in Parvati. Shiva sat there, anticipating. Partly to see her and partly to see her reaction at him.

After a while, conch shells started to blow and slowly Parvati came into view. She was held and guided by her friends and sister as her pace had slowed down due to the heavy bridal wear. The moment Shiva looked at her, he was stuck because in front of him was a magnificent sight. Parvati was dressed in red and the intricate golden jewellery enhanced her beauty. Her slight dusky skin contrasted well with her deeply lined eyes and red lips. He had had a glimpse of her before but now she was there in her full glory. At that moment, it felt like to him that all the beauty and grace in the world had amalgamated in her. He couldn't remove his eyes from her.

Parvati hadn't seen him yet as she was looking down, managing her steps but slowly she lifted up her lotus - like eyes and their gazes met. Parvati was so awestruck at what she saw that she almost stopped in her track. In front of her, wasn't the tiger skin - wearing, jatadhari Shiva but an insanely attractive and handsome Shiva, not that she didn't find him attractive before but this was different. He was wearing royal fineries for a change. His beauty knew no bounds. He was shining like the Sun and was cool like the Moon at the same time. A broad smile appeared on both of their faces as they stared at each other and a glimmer of tears appeared at the corner of their eyes. Eons of waiting and yearning for each other had finally come to fruition.

"I can't believe that we are finally getting married! It all still feels like a dream" Parvati said in her mind. Shiva heard it and smiled.

"Every dream is a beautiful reality, Uma. And when it's us, the reality will be more perfect than any dream."

As Parvati slowly went and stood in front of Shiva, the Varmalas were brought out and each took one. Then on cue, Parvati put the garland around his neck. As Shiva was slightly taller than her, she had to tip toe a bit and he knelt his head down. Then he too placed the garland around her neck. Sounds of blowing conch shells and ululation filled the surrounding and flowers were showered on them.

In the next ritual, the father of the bride would unite the hands of the bride and groom as a token of his agreement to the marriage. Shiva and Parvati were made to sit on their respective seats and Himavan came forward. He placed Parvati's left hand in Shiva's right and on top of them placed Shiva's left hand in Parvati's right. Their hands were covered with a cloth and flowers as the priests chanted the hymns. This signified that from that day, both the bride and groom have taken each other's responsibility.

Then Rishi Garga said, "Maharaj, kindly tell the ancestral details of the bride so they can also bless the couple."

Himavan nodded and proudly narrated his ancestral details and everyone was satisfied. Then Rishi Garga asked Shiva about his ancestors. Now a dead silence dawned upon the place. Shiva was quite and say a word.

"What happened, Mahadev? Why are you silent?" asked one of the priests but he didn't say a word. There were whispers coming from the crowd and relatives.

"What happened? Does the groom has no ancestors? Is Parvati being married off to someone without any family identity?"

Parvati was getting restless and kept glancing at Shiva and the others. She knew that this question had no answer. Sensing the tension, Vishnu signalled Narad to solve the problem.

The sound of the pulling of a string of the veena turned everyone's attention towards Narad. He said, "I know that all of you are waiting for an answer but this question has no answer because Shiva has no ancestors. No parents. He is unborn. He has emerged from himself. That is why he is 'Swayambhu'. He has no beginning. No end. He is Omkar himself. But still if you want to know about his ancestory then listen ; Shiva's father is Pashupatinath, His grandfather is Vasukinath, his great grandfather is Omkarnath and here, the groom himself is Bholenath. But do you know who all of them are? All these names I just said are of Shiva. Everything is Shiva himself. Now I hope there will be no confusion? "

The priests shook their head. Everybody looked satisfied with the answer. Narad once looked at Shiva and Parvati for approval and both of them nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's continue with the wedding" he said.

The priests resumed their chanting of the mantras and moved on to the next ritual which was of Saptapadi.

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