Doubts And Resolve

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The next morning, Ganga brought Parvati to the place where the decorations were in full motion.

"Parvati, take a look. Do you like the decorations? It's your wedding after all!"

"Yes Didi, everything is beautiful. You are in charge. What can go wrong? Thank you so much" Parvati said and hugged her sister.

"Looks like someone forgot me!"

The voice made both the sisters turn around. At the entrance, stood Mainak. The eldest son of Himalaya. He was one of the most strongest mountains in the Himalayan mountain range.

"Bhaiya!" Parvati said, excitedly.

"Mainak! What are you doing here?" Ganga asked.

"Why Ganga? I'm here for the same reason you are here. I'm here for Parvati's wedding."

"Well we do see you once in a blue moon, so I was surprised" Ganga smirked.

"I don't care what you say, Ganga. I'm just here for Parvati."

Parvati smiled and said, "Well I'm really happy that you came. We haven't seen you in so long!"

"Then what are two waiting for? Come here."

Parvati and Ganga ran to Mainak and the three siblings hugged each other. Menavati came in to see what the commotion was about and got emotional as she saw her three children together after so long.

"I can't believe my eyes. I get to see all my children after so long. Thank you Parvati. It only became possible for you."

Parvati looked at her and smiled and the three of them hugged their mother.

Everything was going great. In Himalaya as well as in Kailash. The Shiv ganas were excited and were fretting about what to do for the preparations. It was the wedding of their Kailashpati after all. Shiva watched over them and smiled. He remembered Parvati's face and how she had said that she would wait for him. The fact was that he himself could not wait to meet her again. Suddenly Bhumi Devi, The Earth Goddess, appeared along with Vishnu.

"Welcome both of you. What can I do for you?" Shiva said as they greeted each other.

"Bhumi Devi had come to me with a problem that I think you would be a better person to solve" said Vishnu.

"What is it, Devi?"

"Mahadev, firstly congratulations on your wedding with Devi Parvati but this is the very reason for my worry."

Shiva raised an eyebrow. Bhumi Devi continued.

"I think you know that if Himalaya without any hesitation marries Devi Parvati to you then he'd gain enough merits to attain moksha and would go to Vishnuloka but My Lord, if Himalaya leaves his position, then there'd be immense disturbance in the land mass and it can cause massive destruction. I don't know what to do. Please aid us, Mahadev! "

Shiva became silent hearing her problem. She was right. It was a matter of worry.

"Now Sakha, Himavan is going to your father in law so only you can help save the world from this natural disaster" Vishnu said as he looked on to Shiva who nodded in agreement.

"Alright Hari, I'll make sure that Himalaya doesn't consent to our marriage without hesitation."

In the palace of Himalaya, everything was going smoothly. Invitations were being sent and Himalaya was in a frenzy. Suddenly he was reported that a Brahmin has come to meet him. Hearing so, he went out and saw that there was a Vaishnav Brahmin siting in the guest chambers. He was wearing white garments and had a medium sized beard. His forehead was adorned by the Vishnu Tilak and he was accompanied by a disciple of his. Menavati also joined him.

"Welcome, Brahmin Dev. Tell us, what can we do for you?" said Himavan.

The Brahmin cleared his throat and said in a rude and husky voice, "What can you do for me, Maharaj? You have already done the biggest adharma. As a fellow Vaishnav like you, I just came here to do my duty to warn you."

His disciple nodded in agreement.

"What are you talking about?" the King asked, confused. The Brahmin huffed.

"Don't you know? You are about to give your daughter to Shiva! Do you have any idea about him? He is a half naked Aghori who roams around in cremetorium grounds. Rubs ashes on himself and has no family and friends. He is a begger who cannot even afford proper clothes. Do you think he can keep your daughter happy? Your daughter is a Princess who has grown up in luxury. Why are you drowning your daughter in the sea of misery? If you are wise then listen to my warning, King. Forget about marrying your daughter to Shiva. He is a good for nothing."

His disciple silently kept nodding his head at his master's words though now a bit hesitant. Himalaya was getting irritated by the Brahmin's behavior yet couldn't show it as he was his guest but his words surely affected Mena. She was already a bit doubtful of Shiva as she had never seen him and now such comments only bothered her even more. Seeing the situation, Jaya and Vijaya ran to inform Parvati about it.

Parvati was sitting in her room on her swing, daydreaming about Shiva as always when Jaya and Vijaya informed her about the Brahmin who was insulting Shiva. Hearing them, Parvati got curious and went out to inspect herself. When she went to the guest chamber, the Brahmin was still badmouthing Shiva and her father was forced to listen. The moment Parvati laid her eyes on him, she immediately recognized him. It turned out that the man who was continuously insulting Shiva was none other than Shiva himself! And his disciple was actually Nandi. Parvati was not very happy by this act.

"Jaya, I had made Kheer this morning, remember? Go and arrange for it. Let's 'welcome' our guests properly" she ordered. As Jaya went away, Parvati approached the Brahmin. The second Shiva saw her, he halted. He knew that Parvati had recognised him and he was most probably in trouble. Parvati looked at him with shrewed eyes and raised her eyebrows which clearly meant she did not appreciate what he was doing. For the first time, the world saw Shiva worried about getting into trouble because he knew Parvati. She could be sweet as honey but if she got angry, then he was done for.

"Father, our guest has been 'talking' for way too long. I think we should care for him. I've arranged for his lunch. Can I take him? " Parvati asked her father but Shiva clearly understood her hints. Himavan agreed with her. She went near Shiva.

"Come on, Brahmin Dev. Let's treat you properly" she said sarcastically. Then she looked at Nandi.

"And you! You follow your master way too much. Vijaya, take him with you and make sure he's well fed."

Nandi genuinely got scared seeing this side of his mother. Parvati plastered a fake smile and guided the disguised Shiva into another room.

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