Ashes Of Love

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It was just a day before the wedding of Shiva and Parvati. Everyone was preparing for their Haldi ceremony. On this day, both the bride and groom would be adorned with Haldi and then would be bathed to beautify them before the wedding. Parvati had very sincerely explained every single ritual and the reason behind them to Shiva and he had promised to follow them.

Parvati was sitting in her room, combing her hair. She was about to get ready for her Haldi. The turmeric paste with milk and sandalwood would be brought by the groom's side. Only then both her and the groom's haldi would start. Suddenly her father and Ganga came in.

"Parvati, there has been a problem!"

Parvati heard her sister and got up.

"Pitashree, Didi, What happened?"

Ganga looked perplexed and said, "Bon, there's a problem with the haldi."

"Why? Didn't the haldi come from Kailash?"

"It did. Devarshi had himself come to hand it but...." Himavan stopped in his words and looked at Ganga. She brought out the bowl of 'haldi' and presented it in front of Parvati. Seeing what was there, Parvati was surprised because instead of turmeric paste, there was ashes. She was at a loss of words.

"Mahadev has sent ashes instead of haldi? Maa hasn't seen it right?"

"No Parvati. But we don't how long we can hide it from her" Himavan said. Ganga also joined in.

"Bon, didn't you tell Mahadev about the rituals?"

"I did, Didi. I had explained all the rituals. I had said...." Parvati stopped as she remembered what she had said to him.

"Haldi is sent from the groom's side as his ornament which the bride adorns herself with. It increases the love between them."

Parvati face-palmed remembering her own words and couldn't help but smile a little bit at Shiva's innocence.

"I think I understood what happened. I had told him that the haldi is sent as the groom's 'ornament' to the bride but his ornament is ash. He is Bibhutibhushan. That is why he has sent this as a sign of his love."

Himavan sighed, "Parvati, The reason behind it is indeed beautiful but what are we going to do now? Without the turmeric paste, your Haldi ceremony cannot take place. What are we going to tell your mother?"

Parvati thought for a while and then said, "The only way is that I have to go to Kailash and talk to him. I have to make him understand but I have to go without anyone's notice, especially Maa."

"Don't worry, Parvati. Leave that on us. We will escort you" Ganga said and three of them quietly walked through the corridors. After going a while, they spotted Mena preparing for the day's ceremony and hid behind a pillar and kept an eye on her. As she left, the three sneaked past the guards and reached the back door.

"Parvati, take the chariot. It will be a faster option and don't worry we will be here on guard untill you come back. We will handle things here" Himavan said and Ganga handed her the bowl of ashes which she hid under her anchal.

"Thank you so much Pitashree, Didi. I will be back soon."

Saying so, Parvati left. She rode the chariot and reached the foothills of Kailash in no time. She was about enter when she stopped. She closed her eyes and joined her hands and called to Shiva.

"Shiv, if you are listening, please come. I have come here for a very important reason."

She was praying when she heard heard a voice.


She turned around to see Shiva standing behind her with a tiny smile playing on his lips.

"Uma, what are you doing here?"

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