A Life With You

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The next morning, Parvati had found herself in the arms of Shiva. She had looked at the pure state of bliss on his face as he was holding her. She slightly excused herself and went away to get fresh. Shiva returned back to his meditation.

Parvati took a bath and then started grooming herself. She styled a white saree with red border, her favorite combination, as a skirt and pleated her Anchal. Then she adorned herself with the golden jewellery that Devi Lakshmi had gifted her. She also put on her sankha pola as a part of her srinagar. She left her long curly hair open and placed the mukut on her head. The last thing she did was to apply the sindoor on her parting. This completed her sringar and then she proceeded towards the garden. She collected some flowers, bilva leaves and dhatura flower for her worship. Before going to the temple, she first visited Shiva in his sadhna place where he was indulged in meditation. She smiled at him and offered some flowers at his feet and then went to the temple.

The temple was actually another small cave that consisted of all the things needed for worship and a large Shiva Linga in the middle. Parvati sat down and poured water on the Shiva Linga and did it's 'Jalabhishekh'. She put bilva leaves and dhatura on the Linga and then joined her hands.

"I am right here and yet you are sitting in front of my symbol"

Shiva's voice broke her concentration and she smiled. Parvati got up and turned around. Shiva stared at her as he looked at her.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you"

Their eyes stayed on one another untill Nandi and the ganas came in.

"Mata, we are very fortunate to see both of you together here again!" said Nandi.

"Yes Mata, Kailash was empty without you and now that you are back, this place feels like home" added Pushpadanta.

Parvati smiled and said, "I'm glad to be back here again. I've missed all of you as well. Now let's go to the kitchen. From today, I will cook for everyone myself."

Everyone stared at her blankly. She facepalmed.

"My mistake. I forgot that you don't have a kitchen here. Alright, let's go and see what we can arrange for!" Parvati said and went outside with the ganas following her as Shiva stood behind with a look of satisfaction. His Shakti was back. His home was back.

Parvati, with the help of Nandi and the others, arranged for all the objects and ingredients needed to cook and turned one of the caves into her kitchen. For the first day, she cooked an enormous meal consisting of rice, Daal, vegetables, curry, kheer, various kinds of sweets and fruits. The Shiva Ganas were beyond excited.

Seeing that, Parvati said, "Sons, come here and sit. I will serve you the food."

"No Mata. First you and Prabhu should eat. Then we will get your Prasad" Nandi said.

"Nandi, how can we eat when our children are hungry? You all have the food, then your Prabhu and I will eat together."

Satisfied with this, everyone took a bath, although forcefully as per Parvati's instructions, and then sat in a line as their mother served them the various dishes. In no time, more than half of the food was finished and all of them were full.

"Mata, we have eaten most of the food. Is there food left for you both?" asked Shringi.

"Son, my kitchen always remains full. There is food for everybody. Don't worry" Parvati assured them. With this, all the ganas went away to sleep with a full appetite. Then Parvati went to Shiva to call him who was still in meditation.

"If you want to enjoy my food, then you have to get out of your dhyan for once."

Shiva opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"How can I miss out on that, my Annapurna?"

Parvati brought him to the dinning area and served two plates and sat down. Shiva took a morsel and sighed with contentment. Parvati looked at him, waiting for his response.

"It's delicious, Uma. I'm elated that I'll get to enjoy your cooking for the rest of my life."

Parvati smiled and blushed a little. After that, they had their lunch in peace.


That night, Shiva and Parvati were walking together along the banks of Manasarovar. It was a full moon night and the waters were glistening. A soft breeze was blowing. The environment was pretty romantic.

Shiva looked at Parvati and said, "You know, I haven't been here since you were gone. Memories of Sati always troubled me and I didn't have the courage to revisit them. But after we got back together, I could finally come here and actually those memories now gives me peace because they are with you. "

Parvati smiled, "I am back here now and we will make new memories which will stay with us forever."

Shiva nodded and sat down on the snow. She sat beside him when suddenly, her attention went to the lake and saw two swans swimming.

"Mahadev, where did these swans come from? I haven't seen them here before" She asked.

"Uma, these two swans represent us. Our love. Whenever we are together, they stay in pair and when we separate, they part as well."

"Then I wish they'd never part."

"Me neither, Uma. Come here."

Shiva gently laid her head on his lap and ran his hands through her hair. She closed her eyes as the moonlight shimmered on her face.

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