A Firm Decision

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Parvati had decided that she will proceed with her sadhana but the biggest problem was convincing her parents.

Her father, Himavan had given his agreement. He always supported her in all her decisions.

"Parvati, I know that if you have taken the decision to perform austerities to please Mahadev then it must be for a reason. Don't worry, do whatever you need to do" her father had said but it was her mother who did not agree.

"No. Never. I cannot permit you to go to the forest for tapasya. You are a Princess, Parvati. You have grown up here in the palace. The forest is not your place. I had given permission for you to go and serve Mahadev but I can't let you go now."

"Ma, you know how much I love Mahadev. He is my path and my destination. He is my destiny. My entire being is dedicated to him. He is my life and I have realised myself and that the only way to get him is through sacrifice. Through sadhana. This time, I will not repeat the mistakes I did previously. I have to attain myself to get him. Please, Ma! Don't stop me. Don't you want me to achieve my dream? My goal? " Parvati persuaded Mena with care and calmness. She knew her mother loved her a lot and was a bit overprotective so she approached her with love.

"But.." Mena was about to say something when Himavan intervened.

"Mena, let her go. As parents, it is our duty to support our child. We can guide them in life but we cannot stop them from achieving their destiny and as for Parvati, she is wise and intelligent and mature in her decision making. We should not doubt her capability. "

Mena was still reluctant but looking at the pleading eyes of her daughter, she had to agree.

The next day, Parvati got ready to leave. She had selected the dense forest of the north, where Shiva used to reside as her location. She had discarded all her royal clothes and jewelleries and had accepted simple clothes. Her friends Jaya and Vijaya were helping her getting ready. They opened her jewelleries and brushed her hair as Parvati looked at the mirror to see their gloomy faces.

"What happened Sakhi?" she asked.

"Why are you leaving us, Parvati?" Vijaya said. Parvati smiled softly.

"I'm not leaving you, Sakhi but for now I have to go. To achieve Mahadev, I have to follow his path. The path of tap. It is the only way. Don't feel sad, my friends. I promise you that the moment I would finish my journey, I will return back to you, hmm?"

Jaya and Vijaya nodded and went to hug Parvati. Parvati wiped their tears and assured them. Then she wore a simple saree and adorned herself with rudraksh beads. Even in the most simplest attire, she looked beautiful. Before leaving, she went to her parents one last time. They were waiting for her in the main hall.

Parvati went and touched her father's feet and he blessed her.

"May you achieve what you desire, my girl. Always remember, this father of yours will always be there with you."

She smiled and embraced him and her caressed her head. Then she looked at her mother who was still upset.

"Ma, won't you bless me?"

Her mother turned to her, teary eyed.

"What kind of madness is this, Parvati? You really have to do this?"

"Yes Ma! Like I had said, if I have to get to Adiyogi then I have to become a yogini myself" Parvati said.

"Uh Ma!" Menavati cried out "how are you going to stay in the forest by all yourself like this?"

Parvati smiled and held her shoulders.

"Ma, you just named me Uma right? Then don't you trust your Uma to do her duty? That she can reach her destiny?"

Now Mena couldn't say anything. She just nodded and hugged her daughter and kissed her forehead. Parvati took her blessings and greeted everyone for the last time. Then she took her kamandal and her rosery beads and headed outside as her parents bid her a teary farewell.

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