Feelings Of Care

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Nandi was waiting outside Shiva's cave. It was late and Parvati hadn't come yet and she was never late. He was getting worried and was about to go ask his Lord when he saw Parvati approaching that way. She looked tired. Her hair was a bit disheveled and she was looking pale.

"Mata! What happened? Are you alright?" Nandi asked, concerned.

"I'm alright, Nandi. I got a little bit late today. Let's go inside" said Parvati and proceeded to go inside. Nandi followed her. She went near near Shiva and joined her hands in reverence. He slowly opened his eyes and knitted his eyebrows. Parvati looked different that day. She looked a bit lost.

"I apologise for being late today. I got caught up with something. Please forgive me, Mahadev" Parvati said. Shiva nodded. She went and offered him the flowers and then sat near him as usual. That is when Nandi noticed it.

"Mata! What happened to your arm? How did you get wounded?" he exclaimed.

Shiva's eyes flickered at Nandi's words and saw the deep wound that was across her left arm. It was a slash and had stopped bleeding but it was still new. He now remembered why his heart had clenched at one point during the day. She was hurt.

"What happened, Parvati?" he asked her with a concerned look. She looked down and sighed.

"It's nothing. It's that.. When I was coming here, I was attacked by Tarakasur's army. They wanted to kidnap me or kill me but I genuinely don't know why. What was their purpose of it. That is actually the reason why I got late today."

Parvati stopped and felt a pair of eyes staring at her. She looked up to meet him. There was something in that look that she didn't understand.

"Mata, are you alright? Did they hurt you badly? Tell me Mata, and I will personally go and punish them" said Nandi, angrily.

Parvati looked at him gently and shook her head.

"Don't worry, Nandi. I'm completely fine. It's just that they didn't know that the Himalayan Princess excelled at fighting as well. I just came out with a simple wound but made sure that they would never come back here again!"

As she said, she had different aura within her and a cheeky smile played on her lips. Her inner Shakti was showing and Shiva noticed that. For a moment, a proud feeling raised in him. He was seeing Adi Shakti in her. He thought for a while that maybe it really was different this time. That Parvati was actually capable as Shakti but then his thoughts washed away as he looked at her gaping wound again.

"Nandi, go and collect the medicinal herbs from the forest and mix it with turmeric and apply it on the Princess. An open wound should not be kept like this" he ordered Nandi. He was Vaidyanath. He exactly knew how to treat her.

As Nandi left, she looked at him, surprised to see the worry in his eyes and voice. She never saw him like that. She always thought that he ignored her and deliberately neglected her but it dawned upon her that maybe, just maybe he did care.

Nandi soon returned with a medicinal paste and asked her permission to apply it. She agreed and he started to apply the medicine on her wound with care as Shiva watched in silence. She winced softly once and so did Shiva. He felt her pain. After Nandi finished his job, Parvati very tenderly caressed his hair and smiled. Nandi was delighted after feeling his mother's touch for so long. He sat down at her feet and touch her feet with his head. Parvati was startled and looked at Shiva. He nodded in agreement. She gently placed her hand on his head and blessed him.

Parvati sat their for a while looking after Shiva's needs during his meditation. It has become dark and evening had fallen. Shiva noticed it.

"Princess, I think you should return now. It has become dark" he said. She nodded.

"Yes I will but don't worry. Nothing will happen. I know this place by heart. I've spent my entire life here. I'm well versed with the mountains."

"But you're wounded"

Parvati smiled.

"Nothing will happen. I'm alright. Now give me permission to leave. I will come back again tomorrow morning."

Saying so, Parvati started to leave but Shiva was still not convinced so he called upon Nandi.

Parvati was about to go outside when Nandi came after her.

"Mata, let me accompany you. It's dark. "

"Nandi, I said I'll be fine" Parvati said again.

"Mata, it's Mahadev who wants me to go with you. He doesn't want you to travel alone for so long after what happened today. You're wounded and tired. Please let me come with you. He has ordered me to take you safely to your father's house" Nandi insisted again. Parvati had no other choice but to agree.

"And anyways, I had failed to protect you last time. I don't want to do it again" Nandi said very softly but Parvati heard it.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing. Nothing, Mata. Let's go" he said hurriedly and went forward but his words played in her mind. What did he mean by 'last time'? But she didn't ponder over it much and went along with him as Shiva watched them from a distance.

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