A Divine Procession

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"Parvati" Lakshmi's words made Parvati turn around. She was waiting patiently for Shiva's procession.

"With your marriage to Mahadev, not only will the world get back the presence of Shakti but our Tridevi would also be complete. Till now, there was only Knowledge and Wealth but from today, you will join us as power."

"And not only that Kamala, but we also get back our best friend!" Saraswati chipped in.

Parvati chuckled and said, "I couldn't be more grateful that I have the support of the two of you and I am very lucky to have you both as my friends."

"Why are you so formal then? Come on" Lakshmi said and three goddesses hugged each other. The Tridevi was together again.

The three women had to break their moment when they heard the sound of music and cheer coming from outside

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The three women had to break their moment when they heard the sound of music and cheer coming from outside.

"Mahadev's Varyatra is here!" Saraswati exclaimed. Parvati had a beaming smile on her face. She looked down as her heart was beating faster.

"Parvati, won't you go and see Shiva's procession?" Lakshmi said and Parvati shook her head.

"No, Devi. We will only see each other in the mandaap during the wedding. That is where I want to meet him today as my groom."


On the other hand, Menavati was waiting at the door for the procession at door along with Himavan, Ganga, Mainak and everyone else. Mena was feeling anxious because she had only heard of Shiva but had never actually seen him in his true from. She didn't know how he looked or behaved. Narad, who was standing beside her noticed this agitation in her.

"What happened, Queen Mena? Why do you look so anxious?"

"Devarshi, I've never seen Shiva. I don't even know how he looks. How will I recognize him?"

Narad laughed and said, "Maharani, Shiva is the most beautiful and the most handsome in this entire universe. His strength has no limits and nor does his power. He is Jagatpita. He is worshipped by everyone. You are very lucky Queen, to him as your son in law."

Hearing his words, Mena's curiosity increased. Soon enough, the procession could be seen. There were loud sounds of drums, and singing and chanting. Kartals were playing and people were dancing. Colors were flying in the air. Multiple chariots came dragging. The Gods were in the front. In the beginning, there was a band of singers led by a handsome man. Seeing him, Mena asked Narad, "Is that Shiva?"

Narad shook his head, "No my Queen. He is Vishwabasu. He is the leader of the gandharvas. He is just a Demi - God. Shiva is much greater and more beautiful than him."

Menavati was let down but was still excited to see Shiva. Next came the Gods. First came Yama. Mena was stunned by him.

"Is this Shiva?" she asked but got the same answer. After Yama came Surya. After him was Chandra. Then came Agni and Vayu. One was more beautiful than the other. Mena kept asking, "Is this Shiva? Is this Shiva?" but kept getting the same negetive answer from Narad. Then arrived Indra. He was the King of the Gods. Mena was fascinated by his beauty.

"Devarshi, this time I am sure that this is Shiva. Oh my Narayan! He is so handsome."

Narad laughed again and said, "No Maharani, you are wrong again. This is Devraj Indra. He is the ruler of heaven. No doubt he is handsome but he is nothing in front of Shiva."

Now Mena was taken aback. Shiva was more beautiful than even Indra? She was keen to find out.
After Indra, came Brahma and Vishnu. She recognized them and joined her hands in reverence. All the guests were welcome respectfully. Mena was still waiting for Shiva to arrive. Suddenly the air got filled with the smell of ashes. Loud drums and screams were heard. A bunch of ghastly creatures came into view. They were scary. Half of them were clothed, half were naked. Everyone was covered in ash. Some had an eye missing and some had multiple. Some were scarred faced and some didn't even have any. Some were multi armed whereas some were armless. Some were riding on vehicles too big their size and some were riding animals that were too small their size. They were all dancing and singing in a frenzy. Mena got frightened.

"Who... Who are they? What are they doing here?"

Before she could get an answer, a man came riding on a large bull. He wore a tiger skin and his long deadlocks which were tied in a jata were spread across his shoulder. He had snakes around his neck and arms and was wearing rudraksh beads as jewellery. He had a single garland of Akanda flowers around his neck and was covered in ash head to toe. He had a trident in his right hand and was playing a damru with his left one and the creatures were dancing to his tune. Mena had never seen anything as horrifying and detestable as this. She was even more surprised when she saw Himavan and the others greeting him.

She kept on saying, "Who are they? Who let them in?"

Narad quietly went near her and said, "Maharani, this is your
son- in- law. This is Mahadev."

Mena immediately let out a scream, "Nooo! This is not real. My Parvati's husband is this unruly. This horrifying. This cannot be happening. This cannot be...." keeping saying these words, Mena fainted. Himavan ran to catch her as the plate of arti fell from her hands. All the Gods and her family members were surprised and ran to her. Shiva just stood there, silently. Seeing what happened, Jaya ran upstairs.

Parvati was sitting in her room and was chatting with the other two goddesses when Jaya barged in.

"Parvati! There has been a disaster!"

Parvati got up and went to her.

"What happened, Jaya? Why do you look so worried?"

Jaya took a gulp and then said, "Mahadev's Varyatra has arrived but seeing his repulsive look, Maharani has fainted. The arti couldn't happen. She has been taken to her room."

Parvati was shocked. She stood there agaped for a while and then spoke.

"What are you saying, Jaya? Maa has fainted? Let's go immediately!"

Saying so, Parvati ran out of the room with Jaya as Lakshmi and Saraswati stood there, stunned.

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