Served With Love

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The next day, Parvati got ready to visit Shiva. It was her first day visiting him alone. She was excited and nervous too. While leaving, she collected different flowers and some fruits. Her father had suggested to take the royal chariot but Parvati wanted to walk there. She wanted to enjoy the natural beauty on the way.

She set out early and travelled all the way through the rocky regions of the mountains but it wasn't difficult for her. She had grown up exploring the mountains. She was used to it. Parvati finally reached Shiva's cave. She was about to enter when she saw Nandi waiting outside. He too noticed her and ran to her.

"Mata! You're here. I've been waiting for you for so long."

Parvati smiled.

"Nandiji, why were you waiting for me like this?" She asked.

"Nandi. Call me Nandi. You are like my mother, so I've been waiting for a chance to serve you. Let this son do this much for you. Please come in."

Parvati didn't really get why was saying such things but didn't comment on it and went inside with him. She was hoping to meet Mahadev in his usual place but as she reached, she saw that his seat was empty. Parvati looked around but didn't see him. So she finally questioned Nandi.

"Nandi, where is Mahadev?"

"He was just here... But I think he might have gone to attend to some work."

"Alright till he comes, I will arrange for his meditation."

Saying so, Parvati started to clean Shiva's seat. She wiped it and spread the tiger skin on it. Then she decorated it with some flowers. By then Shiva had returned with woods to lit the fire. He went to his place and found Parvati decorating his seat. Just then, Parvati got up and turned to face Shiva. The suddenness halted her and she stared at him. Shiva looked at the decoration and then looked at her again.

"You did this?" he asked.

"Yes. Did you like it?"

Shiva didn't say anything and just nodded. He went to keep the woods when she stopped him.

"Here, let me do it. I'll make the fire" She said and tried to take the woods from him but he refused.

"No!" he interjected.

"Why, Mahadev? I can do it. I'm accustomed to it. Let me help you."

"No. Still I can't let you do it" he said and then called Nandi and asked him to make the fire. Parvati was a bit disappointed and turned around. Shiva sensed it.

"I can't let you go near fire again." he thought and then sat down. Parvati sat near him and offered him some flowers and fruits. By then, the fire was lit and in the light, he saw her glowing face once before closing his eyes. He needed to focus his mind away. Parvati stayed there for a while and then left.

As she returned to her palace, her friends came running to her.

"Parvati, you're back. Tell us what happened?" Vijaya asked eagerly.

"Yes! Did he look at you? Did he talk to you? Did you tell him about your feelings?" Jaya pipped in.

Parvati had no words to speak. She didn't know what to answer.

"No sakhi. He is Mahayogi. He doesn't have that time" she said and sighed.

"But I get to see him every day. That is enough for me."

Saying so, Parvati left for her chambers.

Shiv Shakti - The Mountains Bound Us! (Haimavati)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ